28 December 2011

EU contribution within the "Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” programme

European grant funds for fundamental rights of people
Deadline: 13th March 2012

1. Informing on where the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights applies and where to turn to if fundamental rights are violated
2. Promoting the Rights of the Child
3. Combating racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism
4. Fighting Homophobia
5. Training and networking between legal professions and legal practitioners

23 December 2011

Europeand funds for for sustainable employment

European funds to increase opportunities for sustainable employment of disadvantaged groups Deadline: 23rd January 2012 for concept notes

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to increase opportunities for sustainable employment of disadvantaged groups.
The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to support disadvantaged groups in their integration into the labour market by increasing their employability.

The priorities of the Grant programme will be as follows:
• To enhance the employability of disadvantaged groups in order to integrate them into labour market;
• To raise the awareness of general public regarding employment of disadvantaged groups and employers’ awareness on advantages in employing disadvantaged groups in order to achieve their equal participation in the labour market.

22 December 2011

New european 2014-2020 programme for culture

Creative Europe is the new EU programme dedicated to the cultural and creative sectors, proposed by the European Commission on 23 November 2011 that will run from 2014 to 2020. It would support tens of thousands of artists, cultural professionals and cultural organisations in the performing arts, fine arts, publishing, film, TV, music, interdisciplinary arts, heritage, and the video games industry, allowing them to operate across Europe, to reach new audiences and to develop the skills that are needed in the digital age. By helping European cultural works to reach new audiences in other countries, the new programme will also contribute to safeguarding and promoting Europe's cultural and linguistic diversity.
What will the programme achieve?

20 December 2011

New European programme for 2014-2020

Erasmus for All is open to everybody, through any public or private body active in the areas of education, training, youth and sport. It will provide opportunities to learn and study abroad for up to 5 million people over the period 2014–2020.  It will also help improve the quality of teaching and education in the EU and beyond. The Commission proposes to invest €19 billion for the 2014–2020 budget period - an increase of around 70% compared to the current period, reflecting the importance the Commission attaches to education, training and youth.

What will Erasmus for all support?

03 December 2011

European funds for Culture:international cooperation

European grants: Cooperation projects with South Africa
Deadline: 3rd May 2012

The aim is to help organisations, such as theatres, museums, professional associations, research centres, universities, cultural institutes and public authorities from different countries participating in the Programme to cooperate so that different sectors can work together and extend their cultural and artistic reach across borders

Projects must involve cultural cooperation with at least one partner from Republic of South Africa
Cultural organisations are given support for projects to work together across borders and to create and implement cultural and artistic activities.
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01 December 2011

Eu funds for cancer research

Eu funds for cancer research
A preliminary announcement for the first Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN) joint transnational call for proposals has been published. The topic of the call will be 'validation of biomarkers for personalised cancer medicine'.
The call will seek to develop transnational innovative projects in oncology, clearly oriented towards a rapid application of new and more selective and effective tools and strategies for the prevention, diagnosis and early detection, as well as optimising therapy of neoplastic diseases.

30 November 2011

European funds for culture

European grant for literary translation
Deadline: 3rd February, 2012

This call wants to provides financial support for the  translation of literature from one European language into another. The translation projects may be submitted by independent publishers or publishing groups from participating countries.

The only eligible applicants are public or private organisations with legal personality whose main activity is in the cultural field (areas of cultural or creative activity) and whose head office is in one of the following countries:
the Member States of the European Union,Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, Croatia, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.

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23 November 2011

Funds for EU transnational cooperation projects

European Alpine Space programme
Deadline: 20th January 2012

The Alpine Space Programme is the EU transnational co-operation programme for the Alps; it connects 33 regions from seven Alpine countries with the aim to increase competitiveness and attractiveness of the cooperation area by developing joint actions in fields where transnational cooperation is required for sustainable solutions.

 Priority 1 - Competitiveness and Attractiveness
  • Coping with the effects of Demographic Change

21 November 2011

European funds for promoting gender equality

European grant funds: Protection and promotion of women’s rights, and women’s social and economic empowerment
Deadline: 26th January 2012
Specific objectives:
To develop and strengthen sustainable initiatives at local and national level promoting:
  • women’s equal access to and control of economic resources;
  • equal access to existing and/or new services that are instrumental to increasing women’s social and
  • economic protection and wellbeing and their participation in economic growth;
  • dissemination of relevant good practice.
For the purpose of sustainability, proposals must include at least two out of the following three themes:

18 November 2011

European grant funds for education

European call for proposal: Tempus IV
Reform of higher education through international university cooperation
Deadline: 23rd February 2012

The purpose of this call for proposals is to promote multilateral cooperation among higher education institutions, authorities and organisations from EU Member States and partner countries with the focus on the reform and modernisation of higher education.

Eligible actions:

17 November 2011

Europeand funds for social experimentations

Eu grant funds for Social experimentions
Deadline: 15th December 2011

The present call focuses on the methodological and governance aspects of the project in the different phases of policy reforms. In this context, particular attention should be given to the design and evaluation of the projects and on mutual learning from the experimentations. This approach is consistent with the emphasis on good governance of the European Union and the increased need to ensure quality of public spending while responding to citizens' needs and expectations.
Selected projects have to contribute to developing and testing socially innovative approaches to policy priorities in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the Open Method of Coordination on social protection and social inclusion.

The relevant projects should address issues such as:

16 November 2011

Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

European grant funds for business and consumer surveys
Deadline: 19th December 2011
The joint harmonised EU programme involves specialised bodies/institutes carrying out opinion surveys on a joint financing basis. The Commission is looking to conclude agreements with bodies and institutes suitably qualified to carry out one or more of the following surveys for the next three years:

15 November 2011

European grants for the audiovisual industry

European call for proposal: MEDIA 2007 — Promotion/Access to markets
Deadline: 22nd December 2011
Eligible actions
The present call for proposals is aimed at supporting actions and activities that take place in and outside the member countries of the programme (download the call for more information on eligible countries)
The objectives are to support actions that have the following aims:
  • to improve the circulation of European audiovisual works by ensuring that the European audiovisual sector has access to the professional European and international audiovisual markets,
  • to encourage common actions between national film and audiovisual programme promotion organisations,
  • to encourage the building-up of an economic partnership between countries and professionals inside and outside theprogramme and facilitate better mutual knowledge and understanding.
Projects shall last for a maximum period of 12 months. Activities must begin at the earliest on 1 June
2012 and must end at the latest by 31 December 2012.

Receive in your email the full text of the call for proposal

03 November 2011

European funds for biotechnology research

European gratn funds for industrial Research and development project in Biotechnology 
Deadline: 1st February 2012

The strategic objective of the call is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s biotechnology industry by supporting research intensive SMEs and their strategic partnerships. The programme focuses on supporting innovation and competitive research in SMEs by funding transnational projects with challenging application aspects and a substantial commercial impact on the market.
This call addresses applications in all fields of modern biotechnology, irrespective of particular branches (red, green, grey (environmental), white (industrial) and blue biotech projects are welcome).
Funding is intended for innovative biotech-projects in the fields of:
  • Industrial research & development (planned research or critical investigation aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge and skills for developing new products, processes or services or for bringing about a significant improvement in existing products, processes or services. It comprises the creation of components of complex systems, which is necessary for the industrial research, notably for generic technology validation, to the exclusion of prototypes as covered by “experimental development”)
  • Applied research (the implementation of the results of industrial research for the creation of commercial applications. Applied research is performed in order to solve specific, practical questions related to product development up to the first prototype).

01 November 2011

EU funds for Transnational distribution of films

EU funds for Transnational distribution of European films.

The aim is to encourage and support the wider transnational distribution of recent non-national European films by encouraging theatrical distributors in particular to invest in promotion and  adequate distribution of non-domestic European films.
The scheme also aims to encourage the development of links between the production and distribution
sector thus improving the competitive position of non-national European films.
Eligible applicants
This notice is aimed at European companies whose activities contribute to the abovementioned objectives.
Applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
the 27 countries of the European Union + Switzerland and Croatia.

Eligible actions
The theatrical (cinema) distribution of a non-national feature film.

27 October 2011

Eu funds for supporting TV broadcasting

EU grant: Support for Television broadcasting

Deadlines: 16/12/2011 or 11/06/2012

What types of companies can apply?Independent European production companies legally registered in an EU country or a country participating in the MEDIA 2007 programme. Such companies must be owned, and continue to be owned, either directly or by majority shareholding, by nationals of these countries. These companies must be the majority producer of the presented work.

Eligible type of work
Fiction, animation and creative documentaries. All such works are subject to conditions regarding their minimum length and period of general release. Sequels and series of episodes based in whole or in part on a previous project are not eligible for funding. Drama and Animation series based on a first single or pilot episode are eligible for support, even if the first single or pilot episode has already been co-financed by the MEDIA TV Broadcasting support.

How much funding is available?
max 12,5% of your eligible production budget (with a maximum amount per work of 500.000 €) for fiction and animation, and max 20% of your eligible budget (with a maximum of 300.000 € per work) for documentaries.

11 October 2011

Partner search for EU project in the field of environment

Call identifier: FP7-ENV-2012-two-stage
Deadline: First stage: 20 October 2011 at 17.00.00 for preproposal
Indicative budget: EUR 50 million for the activity “Improving resource efficiency”

About the call
ENV.2012.6.3-1 Innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services
Natural resources including fuels, mineral resources, but also water, air, soils, biomass or land are facing higher demand and intensification of use. Therefore greater efforts have to be made to fully valorise their potential and avoid growth ruptures while mitigating unsustainable pressures on the environment. New innovative solutions are essential for the necessary transition towards a more resource-efficient and circular economy.

06 October 2011

European funds for research

European funds for the Resarchers' Night 2012
Deadline: 10th January 2012

Objective of the action
This action aims to bring the researchers closer to the public at large, so enhancing their role in the mainstream of society. .

Projects and participants: The Researchers' NIGHT will take place on Friday 28th September 2012, and will be the next occasion for a European wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers. It is intended to ensure as large a geographical coverage as possible, involving the maximum number of Member States and associated countries.
Participants can be any legal entity in the Member States and associated countries, and/or if relevant, constituting a partnership at regional, national or international level. Preference should be given to those projects within which a regional, local or national financial involvement exists (without excluding those requesting 100% funding).
Activities organised will have to be focused on the public at large, and be organised with researchers being actively involved and directly in contact with the public. .

European Union Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria:

05 October 2011

European funds for social experimentations

European grants in the field of social experimentation
Deadline:  15/12/2011.

This call offers to applicants the possibility to develop social experimentation projects according to the following protocol/steps:
Design of the policy intervention: a rigorous description of the logically structured set of actions envisaged as part of the policy reform should be provided. It should ensure that the different incentives, opportunities, or constraints to which the population will be confronted with are identified and described
• Design of the experimentation method: preference will be given to the random assignment method that randomly assigns the potential beneficiaries of the policy/interventions to either a treatment group or a comparison group. Other evaluation method such as the quasi-experimental design (non-randomized assignment) may be considered as long as the impact of the interventions being tested is credibly ascertained. The expected outcomes of the interventions should be stated in clear and measurable terms to serve as yardsticks for determining the extent of the policy intervention's success.
• Lessons for policy design: a rigorous analysis and interpretation of the results should be put in place with a view to arriving at shared conclusions about the up-scaling potential of the tested policies taking into account elements such as the context, in which the policy has to be implemented, the feasibility, the acceptability and the timeliness of the proposed solutions.


04 October 2011

European funds for prevention and fight against crime

European funds - Targeted call for proposal -Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear materials
Deadline: 17.10.2011
Expexted results:• The proposed projects should provide for a concrete contribution to the implementation of the actions identified in the EU CBRN Action Plan, either in the form of direct implementation or in the form of activities aimed at the preparation of their implementation.
• The expected results should contribute to the overall implementation of the EU CBRN Action Plan, and in particular the actions which have been identified as Key Actions, and other actions of which the
implementation is foreseen to start in 2011 or 2012. 
• The proposed projects should provide for a concrete contribution to the implementation of the actions identified in the EU Action Plan on enhancing the Security of Explosives, as far as these have not yet been implemented
Eligible applicants:

03 October 2011

European funds for creation and promotion of audiovisual content

European Support for the development of on- and off-line interactive work
Eligible applicants
This notice is aimed at European companies and in particular to independent production companies.
Applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
— the 27 countries of the European Union,
— Croatia and Switzerland.

Eligible actions
The activities for the following interactive works are eligible:
The concept development (up to a first playable application) of digital interactive content complementing an
audiovisual project (drama, creative documentary or animation) specifically developed for at least one of the
following platforms:
  • Internet,
  • PC,
  • console,
  • handheld device,
  • interactive television.
This digital content must present:
  • substantial interactivity with a narrative component,
  • originality, creativity and innovation against existing works,
  • European commercial potential.
Only the following types of audiovisual project intended for commercial exploitation can be complemented by the submitted interactive work:
  • a drama of at least 50 minutes (the total length of the series in the case of a series),
  • a creative documentary of at least 25 minutes (length per episode in the case of a series),
  • an animation of at least 24 minutes (the total length of the series in the case of a series).
The call for proposals has two deadlines.
25 November 2011
13 April 2012

European grants for security and justice

European grants for “Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security related risks”
Deadline: 12 October 2011

• Facilitating the implementation of Council Directive 2008/114/EC on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve  their protection (energy and transport sector);
• Preparing/contributing to the review of Council Directive 2008/114/EC on the identification  and designation of European critical infrastructures, with a particular emphasis on the sectors  covered and the criteria used to identify European Critical Infrastructures;
• Supporting the policy initiative and the action plan on Critical Information Infrastructure  Protection
• Robustness of (global) ICT networks, including implications of a failure of these networks on  critical infrastructures, as well as dependencies of critical processes in critical infrastructures  on such (global) networks;
• Emergency communication in crisis situations, including with the general public and when  standard ICT networks are not available;
• Supporting Member States by enhancing communication in order to strengthen cooperation  between the public and the private sector (regular meetings to discuss issues of common  interest) as well as by improving international cooperation and a cross-border exchange of  information between these stakeholders and the relevant institutions at European level;
• Interdependency analysis;
• Compilation of a comprehensive all-hazards catalogue for critical infrastructures;
• Monitoring and assessment of evolving threats with a view to securing critical infrastructures,  as well as a common understanding in relation to sectoral, intersectoral and cross-border risk management;
• Increasing the security awareness of critical infrastructure operators;
• Improving information management with regard to critical infrastructures;
• Increasing critical infrastructure protection capability in the transport, energy, ICT, chemical, financial, water, food, health, space, research and nuclear sectors.

30 September 2011

European grants for audiovisual industry

Call for proposal: Support for the development of production projects — Animation, creative documentaries and drama
Single Projects, Slate Funding and Slate Funding second stage

Eligible applicants
European companies and in particular to independent production companies.
Applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
— the 27 countries of the European Union,
— Croatia and Switzerland.

Eligible actions
The development activities for the following audiovisual works (one-offs or series) are eligible:
  • drama projects intended for commercial exploitation of no less than 50 minutes,
  •  creative documentaries intended for commercial exploitation of no less than 25 minutes (duration per episode in case of series),
  • animation projects intended for commercial exploitation of no less than 24 minutes.

The call for proposals has two deadlines.
25 November 2011
13 April 2012

29 September 2011

Training for europe: courses

IGC organises two courses on European funds and project techniques in November 2011

The courses will be held in Turin, Italy and delivered in Italian.

For further information please visit www.corsoeuroprogettazione.blogspot.com

21 September 2011

European call for proposal: Audiovisual festivals

European funds for the audiovisual industry
  • facilitating and encouraging the promotion and movement of European audiovisual and cinema works at trade shows, fairs and audiovisual festivals in Europe and around the globe, insofar as such events may play an important role in the promotion of European works and the networking of professionals,
  • improve access to European audiovisual works for the European and international public.
Eligible applicants
European organisations from the Member States of the European Union and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia and Switzerland.

Eligible actions
Such organisations must implement audiovisual festivals which contribute to the aforementioned objectives  and which screen a minimum of 70 % European films from at least 10 States participating in the MEDIA  programme, in their total programme

31 October 2011: for projects starting between 1 May 2012 and 31 October 2012,
30 April 2012: for projects starting between 1 November 2012 and 30 April 2013

18 September 2011

European funds for Security (3)

European funds for research and development: Security
Deadline: 23rd November 2011
Any legal entities established in a Member State or Associated country

Activity: Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability
Secure Communications
  • Preparation of the next generation of PPDR communication network
  • Interoperability
  • Embedded protection of security systems and anti-tampering technologies
  • Establishment of a first responders platform for interoperability
  • Establishment of a interoperability platform/centre for testing and validating decision and intelligence systems
  • Global solution for interoperability between first responder communication systems
Activity: Security and society
Citizens, media and security
  • Methodologies to assess the effectiveness of measures addressing violent radicalisation
  • Tools and methodologies, definitions and strategies for privacy by design for surveillance technologies, including ICT systems
  • Use of new communication/social media in crisis situation
Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept
  • Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organised crime threats
  • Criteria for assessing and mainstreaming societal impacts of security research activities
Security economics
  • Fight against corruption
Ethics and Justice
  • Legitimacy and effectiveness of legal measures against security threats
Activity: Security Research coordination and structuring
Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Advancing contemporary forensic methods and equipment
Other coordination
  • Coordination of national research programmes in the area of security research
  • Networking of researchers for a high level multiorganisational and cross-border collaboration

17 September 2011

European funds for Security (2)

European funds for research and development: Security
Deadline: 23rd November 2011
Any legal entities established in a Member State or Associated country
Activity: Intelligent surveillance and border security
Sea borders
  • Increasing trustworthiness of vessel reporting systems
  • Pre-Operational Validation (POV) at EU level of common application of Surveillance tools
Border checks
  • Research on "automated" comparison of x-ray images for cargo scanning with reference material (use of historic images in an automated environment) to identify irregularities
  • Research and validation for sub-surface fingerprint live scanners
  • Tools and processes for assessing the impact of policies/actions on border control
  • Innovative, costefficient and reliable technology to detect humans hidden in vehicles/closed compartments
  • Further research, development and pilot implementation of Terahertz passive detection techniques (T-Ray)
  • Enhancing the workflow and functionalities of Automated Border Control (ABC) gates
Border intelligent surveillance
  • Development of airborne sensors and data link
Activity: Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning
  • Preparedness for and management of large scale fires
  • Psycho social support in Crisis Management
  • Positioning and timing tools to guarantee security assets trace and tracking together with worker safety in a secure environment
  • Situational awareness guidance and evacuation systems for large crowds, including crowds unpredictable behaviour
  • Post crisis lesson learned exercise
  • Next generation damage and post-crisis needs assessment tool for reconstruction and recovery planning
CBRN Response
  • Development of mobile laboratories, structures and functions to support rapid assessment of CBRN events with a cross-border or international impact
  • Means of decontamination of large groups, urban/wide areas and large, complex and/or sensitive object
  • Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass contamination

16 September 2011

European funds for Security (1)

European funds for research and development: Security
Deadline: 23rd November 2011
Any legal entities established in a Member State or Associated country
Activity: Increasing the Security of the Citizens
  • Less than Lethal Handling of PBIEDs
  • Home made explosives (HMEs) and recipes characterisation
CBRN Protection
  • CBRNE Demo Phase II
  • Improving drinking water security management and mitigation in large municipalities against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN-related contaminations
  • Identification and development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals
  • Securing the food chains from primary production and animal feeds to consumer ready food against deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN contamination
Information Gathering
  • Digital, miniaturised operational tool for investigation
Activity: Security of infrastructures and utilities
Design, planning of buildings and urban areas
  • Resilience of large scale urban built infrastructure
  • Criticality analysis of critical infrastructure including concepts for forgery proof and efficient facility access systems
Energy, Transport, communication grids
  • Identification of measures to counter illegal export of metal-bearing waste
  • Air traffic Management/Control threat assessment model
  • Improving security in air cargo transport
  • A common EU aviation security requirement to reduce costs and facilitate passenger flows
  • Early warning security systems: physical protection of critical buildings
  • Supply chain
  • Pre-normative technology development for improved and more efficient security of the supply chain
Cyber crime
  • Convergence of physical and cyber security
  • Cyber resilience – Secure cloud computing for critical infrastructure
Download a more detailed newsletter

15 September 2011

European funds for Culture

Deadline: 5th October 2011

EU Member States, Croatia, Turkey and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina

be a public or private organisation with legal status, whose principal activity is in the cultural sphere (cultural and creative sectors); and have their registered legal seat in one of the eligible countries.

Cooperation projects can be realised in all areas of cultural activity. These projects are intended to enhance the common European cultural area with a view to encouraging the emergence of a sense of European citizenship. One of the main aim of the programme is to support the trans-national circulation of cultural and artistic works and products.

Europen funds for research: Space

European funds for R&D in the Space sector
Deadline: 23rd November 2011

Main areas of intervention:
Space-based applications at the service of European Society / Preoperational validation of GMES services and products
  • Testing and validating the intelligence-driven and high time-critical scenarios of the CONOPS
  • Testing and validating the low time-critical components of the CONOPS
  • GMES Security
  • Support to emergency response management
  • Preparing takeup of GMES Sentinel data
Space-based applications at the service of European Society / Support to the coordinated provision of observation data
  • Research and development for In-situ component
  • GMES Climate Change – Coordination of Earth observation data validation for reanalysis
  • GMES Climate Change – Data archiving and exchange
  • Consolidation of user requirements for GMES
Strengthening the foundations of Space science and technology / Research to support space science and exploration
  • Exploitation of science and exploration data
Strengthening the foundations of Space science and technology / Research to support space transportation and key Technologies
  • Key technologies enabling observations in and from space
  • Key technologies for in-space activities
Cross-cutting activities / SME specific research
  • Bringing terrestrial SME-research into the space domain
Cross-cutting activities/ Studies and events in support of European Space Policy
  • Studies and events in support of European Space Policy
  • Research agenda definitions and research activity road-maps for a European Research framework programme (workshop activities)
  • New emerging research needs - reduction of vulnerability of space infrastructure
For detailed information on specific topics contact us.

    14 September 2011

    European fund for social tourism

    European grant: Promoting Social Tourism in Europe through the  Development of a Demand-Supply Web-Based Platform
    Deadline: 14th October 2011
    The overall objective of this call for proposals is to support the creation of a web-based platform as a mechanism intended to facilitate  transnational tourism particularly within the CALYPSO target groups, valorise the potential of off-season availability of accommodation, and increase the competitiveness of tourism SME’s.
    Specific objectives:
    (a) To create a web platform that will facilitate transnational social tourism in Europe, in line with the CALYPSO target groups and objectives.
    (b) To propose an appropriate informatics and communication technology dimension for the web platform.

    13 September 2011

    Researchers' Night 2011

    The Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide event bringing together the public at large and researchers once a year on the fourth Friday of September. This year it takes place on 23 September in over 800 venues of 320 European cities in 32 countries.
    During the Researchers' Night you will have the chance to discover research facilities that are usually not open to public (laboratories, research centres, museum collections ), to use the most recent technologies and instruments with the guidance of scientists, to participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, to watch demonstrations and simulations, to exchange ideas and to party with the researchers.

    12 September 2011

    European grant for Tourism

    Trans-national cooperation projects on  European Cultural Routes
    Deadline: 7th October 2011

    Overall objectives: 
    1) to contribute to differentiating the European tourism offer, capitalising on the shared cultural heritage;

    2) to contribute integrating both horizontally and vertically the cultural tourism sector, facilitating
    clusters/networks of both cultural tourism products and enterprises of the cultural tourism sector.

    Financed actions:
    The call will support initiatives aimed at promoting and giving more visibility to trans-national Cultural-Tourism Routes - here after referred to as "Routes" -  (also including those recognised by the Council of Europe).
    By Route, within the context of this call, it is intended that an itinerary that could either be physical (based on a physical infrastructure) or virtual (linking places/destinations/attractions which have a conceptual link, e.g. a common theme). Hence, these routes are not necessarily built on existing physical route infrastructures.

    Applications from legal entities established in one of the following countries are eligible:
    (1) EU Member States
    (2) Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Israel

    09 September 2011

    Research on Sustainable Surface Transport

    European funds for research in the field of Sustainable Surface Transport
    Deadline: 1st December 2011

    • Assessment and mitigation of noise impacts of the maritime transport on the marine environment
    • Support to the development of joint programming in marine and maritime research to address cross-cutting sea-related challenges
    • Management of energy in railway systems
    • Innovative fleet for efficient logistics chain
    • Planning rail towards 2050
    • The role of rail in the European transport system in response to major disruptions
    • Efficient rolling stock and train operations for competitive rail freight services
    • Rail system interoperability (regulatory and non-legislative interoperability based on technological innovations)
    • Europe to Asia: rail research collaboration
    • Research actions regarding the accessibility of transport systems
    • Innovative design and operation of new or upgraded efficient urban transport interchanges
    • Take-up of transport innovation in urban and regional transport
    • Automated urban vehicles
    • Coordinating innovation for efficient bus systems in the urban environment
    • Human element factors in shipping safety
    • Safety of ships in Arctic conditions
    • Large scale naturalistic driving observations for safe and sustainable transport
    • Priorities for road safety research in Europe

    • Tools and conditions for attractive, efficient and competitive single wagonload traffic and its interaction with road and intermodal transports
    • Next generation tools for optimised infrastructure asset management
    • Innovative structural and outfitting materials for ships including inland ships
    • Innovation and standardisation in the field of signalling to accelerate a European Train Control System rollout
    • E-guided vessels: the 'autonomous' ship

    08 August 2011

    Research on Transport and Aeronautics

    Research funding in the field of Transports (including Aeronatics)
    Deadline: 1st December 2011

    • Flight physics
    • Aerostructures
    • Propulsion
    • Systems and equipment
    • Avionics
    • Production
    • Maintenance and disposal
    • Flight and Air Traffic Management
    • Airports
    • Demonstration of breakthrough sub-system enabling high overall pressure ratio engines.
    • Airports
    • Noise and vibration
    • Systems and equipment
    • Aerostructures
    • Systems and equipment
    • Human factors
    • Propulsion: tolerance to particle ingestion
    • Innovative approach to helicopter safety
    • Design systems and tools
    • Maintenance
    • Airports
    • Human factors
    • Integrated approach to safe flights under icing conditions.
    • Integrated approach and demonstration of safe operations under crew peak workload / reduced crew configuration.
    • Aerostructures

    • Design systems and tools
    • Aerostructures
    • Systems and equipment
    • Avionics
    • Production
    • Flight Physics
    • Aerostructures
    • Systems
    • Maintenance and repair
    • Design systems and tools
    • Human factors
    • Integrated approach and demonstration to lean manufacturing of metal, composite and hybrid aircraft / engine structures
    • European Air Transport System scenario elaboration and trend assessment capability.
    • Attracting young Europeans to future careers in the field of aeronautics.
    • Supporting organisation of conferences and events of special relevance to Aeronautics and Air Transport research
    • Assessment of the potential insertion of unmanned aerial system in the air transport system.
    • Efficient airports for Europe
    • Airport centred co-modality and intermodality
    • Facilitating access to aircraft for disabled people