27 October 2011

Eu funds for supporting TV broadcasting

EU grant: Support for Television broadcasting

Deadlines: 16/12/2011 or 11/06/2012

What types of companies can apply?Independent European production companies legally registered in an EU country or a country participating in the MEDIA 2007 programme. Such companies must be owned, and continue to be owned, either directly or by majority shareholding, by nationals of these countries. These companies must be the majority producer of the presented work.

Eligible type of work
Fiction, animation and creative documentaries. All such works are subject to conditions regarding their minimum length and period of general release. Sequels and series of episodes based in whole or in part on a previous project are not eligible for funding. Drama and Animation series based on a first single or pilot episode are eligible for support, even if the first single or pilot episode has already been co-financed by the MEDIA TV Broadcasting support.

How much funding is available?
max 12,5% of your eligible production budget (with a maximum amount per work of 500.000 €) for fiction and animation, and max 20% of your eligible budget (with a maximum of 300.000 € per work) for documentaries.

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