11 October 2011

Partner search for EU project in the field of environment

Call identifier: FP7-ENV-2012-two-stage
Deadline: First stage: 20 October 2011 at 17.00.00 for preproposal
Indicative budget: EUR 50 million for the activity “Improving resource efficiency”

About the call
ENV.2012.6.3-1 Innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services
Natural resources including fuels, mineral resources, but also water, air, soils, biomass or land are facing higher demand and intensification of use. Therefore greater efforts have to be made to fully valorise their potential and avoid growth ruptures while mitigating unsustainable pressures on the environment. New innovative solutions are essential for the necessary transition towards a more resource-efficient and circular economy.
Research should provide new knowledge and develop highly innovative technologies, processes or services for radical improvement of resource-efficiency in and across major sectors of the European economy. The specific objectives are (i) to reduce input, maximise resource productivity and minimise waste from processing along the value chain, (ii) to re-use, recycle and recover valuable materials notably from urban waste, and/or (iii) exploit alternative solutions taking into account the potential of services. The proposals shall demonstrate expected resource efficiency and environmental gains, assess market barriers and demonstrate medium-term potential of the proposed solution, include a Life Cycle Assessment approach as appropriate14, benchmark with respect to best available technologies and contribute (where appropriate) to the standardisation process.
Social and organisational changes should be also considered, while re-thinking, where appropriate, processes and products, the related value chains, and their relations to consumption patterns and possible rebound effects. In addition proposals will have to demonstrate tangible measures and progress towards the implementation of Resource efficient- Europe and the Innovation Union Flagship initiatives and relevant EU policy initiatives.
Expected impact: Proposals will demonstrate a clear impact towards:
(i) reducing the pressure on primary raw materials and help preserving the environment and reducing pollution, (ii) fostering the use of secondary raw material, including – if relevant – in the context of urban mining, (iii) building up on more sustainable consumption and production patterns, (iv) increasing the role of SMEs as end users or developers of green technologies, and (v) opening opportunities for new start-ups and markets in the mediumterm.
Specific feature: This topic is mainly addressed to SMEs and industries, in appropriate partnership with research institutions and other stakeholders. Involvement of R&D performing SMEs is encouraged to ensure maximum impact.


The solution proposed makes use of a completely organic detergent made of the vegetable extract of seaweed, which allows for the implementation of cleaning processes at room temperature, significantly reducing the consumption of water, of energy, and the quantity of pollutants disposed in landfill sites. In virtue of its completely organic nature and of the fine selection of raw materials of which it is composed, it is not classified as a dangerous preparation according to the EU regulations (2001/60/CE, concerning the harmonisation of the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the classification, packaging and labelling of the dangerous preparations). Its use has to be tested in the steel, automotive and white goods industry in all phases of the chemistry convertion process.
Environmental objectives:
1) elimination of toxic and dangerous substances in the degreasing processes
2) reduction of about 60% of the environmental footprint of the entire process of chemistry convertion in the steel, automotive and white goods industry
3) Facilitating access of SMEs to innovative green knowledge, increasing awareness and promoting networking, which will improve not only the competitiveness of these companies but the general access to new and innovative technologies and products.
Economic objectives:
The following economic objectives and markets will be targeted:
1) reduction of energy costs ( - 60%)
2) reduction of costs disposal ( - 50%) for the same amount of treated (degreased) products
3) reduction in the costs of water consumption (-30% - 40% )
For further information contact us.

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