06 October 2011

European funds for research

European funds for the Resarchers' Night 2012
Deadline: 10th January 2012

Objective of the action
This action aims to bring the researchers closer to the public at large, so enhancing their role in the mainstream of society. .

Projects and participants: The Researchers' NIGHT will take place on Friday 28th September 2012, and will be the next occasion for a European wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers. It is intended to ensure as large a geographical coverage as possible, involving the maximum number of Member States and associated countries.
Participants can be any legal entity in the Member States and associated countries, and/or if relevant, constituting a partnership at regional, national or international level. Preference should be given to those projects within which a regional, local or national financial involvement exists (without excluding those requesting 100% funding).
Activities organised will have to be focused on the public at large, and be organised with researchers being actively involved and directly in contact with the public. .

European Union Contribution, Rates and Evaluation Criteria:

The grant will cover a period of up to seven months (covering the necessary awareness campaign, the activities during the night itself and the impact assessment period). Eligible costs will be those necessary for the completion of the action. Applicants are expected to include in their proposals any costs they may incur relating to the promotion of the European dimension of their events. Preference will be given to proposals that have a well developed and well described European dimension of the proposed events.

Expected impact of the action
The expected impact of this action consists of continuing to tackle the existing stereotypes about researchers and the profession, and to have the public at large better understand the central role of researchers and the key benefits they bring to society. The action should demonstrably reinforce the trend for increasing public participation in the Researchers' Night.
An additional impact should be to convince young people that research careers are fascinating
and to stimulate them to embark on research careers with mobility.

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