16 November 2011

Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys

European grant funds for business and consumer surveys
Deadline: 19th December 2011
The joint harmonised EU programme involves specialised bodies/institutes carrying out opinion surveys on a joint financing basis. The Commission is looking to conclude agreements with bodies and institutes suitably qualified to carry out one or more of the following surveys for the next three years:
— investment survey in Iceland, Montenegro and Sweden,
— construction survey in iceland and montenegro,
— retail trade survey in Iceland, Luxembourg and Montenegro,
— services survey in Iceland, Luxembourg and Montenegro,
— industry survey in Iceland and Montenegro,
— consumer survey in Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta and Montenegro,
— ad hoc surveys on topical economic issues. These ad hoc surveys are by definition more occasional and are carried out in addition to the monthly surveys, using the same established samples as the monthly surveys, to obtain information on specific economic policy issues.

The surveys target managers in the industry, investment, construction, retail trade and services sector as well as consumers.

Receive in your email the full text of the call for proposal

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