27 December 2012

Call for proposals – Daphne III – Specific 116000 hotline

Deadline: 6 February 2013

This call for proposals for action grants aims to co-fund projects to set up or run 116 000 hotlines for missing children that are presented by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or other entities, which are mandated by the national authorities in setting up and/or running such 116 000 hotlines 

The duration of the project should not exceed 24 months. 

The 116 000 hotline has been designed to report missing children and provide social support services for children and families when a child goes missing. EU Member States, national regulators, telecom operators and organisations wishing to provide this service must each make a strong commitment to ensure the 116 000 number is operational. 

21 December 2012

One Health Programme in Asia

European grant fund: EuropeAid Programme
Deadline: 22nd February 2013 for concept notes

The program is designed to improve health and well-being of fragile populations in Asia by tackling health risks and challenges at the interface between animals, humans and their various environments. The programme aims to strengthen capabilities in notably the Least Developed Countries in Asia to address and prepare for risks related to infectious diseases via the promotion of innovative and regional cross-sectoral and multi-actor collaborations and networking through the implementation of the One Health approach

Eligible actions are those aiming at: 

  • Linking wildlife, ecosystems, environments (including socio-economic) and health; 
  • Assessing (socio-economically) the burden of neglected zoonoses and the added value of the OH approach; 
  • OH advocacy in particular vis-à-vis the public health sector; 
  • Asian OH network and governance; 
  • Communication in time of sanitary crisis and “peace”; 

19 December 2012

European fund for the integration of third country nationals

Deadline: 26th February 2013

Established in the framework of the European Union Programme “Solidarity and management of migration flows” for the period 2007-2013, the European Fund for the integration of third country nationals aims at supporting the member states in their efforts for the smooth integration of third country nationals into the European nationals

Priority 1: Local action to enhance migrants' economic, social, cultural and political participation 

Priority 2: Cooperation with source countries in fostering integration
Priority 3: Governance and effectiveness of integration measures

Beneficiaries: any private or public legal entities established in any EU member state (except Denmark)

Detailed newsletter

17 December 2012

European price for innovation in public administrations

VII Framework programme for resarch and innnovation- Capacities
Deadline: 15th February 2013

The Commission plans to award prizes to successful, already running, and innovative public initiatives. The initiatives, managed by the national, regional or local public administrations, will have made significant improvements in citizens' lives.
With this Prize the Commission wants to reward excellence and innovation in strategies, services, networks, processes and infrastructure. 

The Commission wants to recognise the outstanding achievements of public administrations in the following three categories:

1. Initiatives for citizens (e.g. special assistance for the elderly; eco-friendly public transport; participatory budgeting)
2. Initiatives for firms (e.g. providing networking platforms for start-ups; supporting rural entrepreneurs with e-trade tools)
3. Initiatives for education and research (e.g. new approaches to vocational training; fostering a better learning environment for primary schools; facilitating entrepreneurship of researchers)


14 December 2012

Progress funding programme

PARES (PARtnerships between Employment Services) - EU Flagship Agenda 'New Skills and Jobs' - Europe 2020 
Deadline: 1st March 2013

PARES seeks to bring together all employment services with a view to improving their co-operation and further defining the fields in which they can deliver complementary services. 

Main objective: to encourage new forms of collaboration between employment services at national and EU level for the delivery of complementary services with a high standard of quality and efficiency. 
The call shall also help to promote a culture of partnership working by breaking traditional barriers and pre-conceptions regarding the different roles of employment services. 

 In line with this general objective, the present call for proposals will support projects which involve at least two different types of partners from public, private or third sector employment services, also being eligible education and training providers, NGOs, welfare institutions, etc. to work together by relying on the specific strengths and expertise of each employment service. 

 Projects are strongly encouraged to target the 'green economy'. 

 Duration of each project is maximum 18 months.


10 December 2012

A first overview of the Call 2012 CIP Eco-Innovation

By the deadline of the Call 2012, 284 proposals had been submitted, a figure comparable to the 279 proposals submitted to the Call 2011. 

 In total 916 participants from 31 countries took part in the proposals. Green Business and Recycling are the two sectors that attracted the most proposals. 
The total funding request is roughly EUR 196 million. Almost 67% of the participants taking part in proposals are SMEs as in previous calls and less than 7% of the projects do not involve any SME. 

Approximately half of the proposals (53%) involve participants from different countries and 76% have more than one partner. 

A new Eco-innovation call will be published in Spring 2013.

 Full report

07 December 2012

Funding for the Transeuropean transport network (TEN-T)

EU funding programme: TEN-T
Deadline: 28th February 2013

Grants will be awarded in the following fields: 

• Projects concerning rail, road and inland waterways (PPs; indicative amount available is €731 million); 
• European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS; indicative amount available is €100 million); 
• River Information Services (RIS; indicative amount available is €10 million); 
• Air Traffic Management (ATM; indicative amount available is €50 million); 
• Motorways of the Sea (MoS; indicative amount available is €80 million); 
• Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS; indicative amount available is €50 million).

Detailed newsletter

04 December 2012

CARS 2020: for a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry

With 12 million sector-related jobs the automotive industry is vital for Europe's prosperity and job creation. The EU needs to maintain a world-class car industry, producing the most energy efficient and safe vehicles globally and providing high-skilled jobs to millions. To make this happen, the European Commission tabled today the CARS 2020 Action Plan aimed at reinforcing this industry's competitiveness and sustainability heading towards 2020. 

 he Commission proposes a massive innovative push by streamlining research and innovation under the European Green Vehicle Initiative. Co-operation with the European Investment Bank will be reinforced to finance an innovation boost and facilitate SME access to credit. An EU standard recharging interface will provide the regulatory certainty needed to facilitate a breakthrough for large scale electric car production. Innovation in the automotive industry will also be stimulated through a comprehensive package of measures to reduce CO2, pollutant and noise emissions, to drive improvements in road safety and develop technologically-advanced intelligent transport systems (ITS). 

In parallel, the Commission also proposes to address the immediate problems in the car sector. In response to a fall in demand on European car markets and plant closure announcements, the Commission will in November bring together car producers and trade union representatives and Ministers of Industry ahead the next Competitiveness Council to review measures for dealing with the present crisis in a co-ordinated way. 

The car industry is important throughout Europe and a European response is needed. This response should focus on addressing overcapacity, social and technological investment, as well as state aid and demand-side measures, followed by a discussion at the political level. The Action Plan comprises concrete proposals for policy initiatives in order to: 

  • Promote investment in advanced technologies and innovation for clean vehicles, 
  • Improve market conditions 
  • Support industry in accessing the global market 
  • Promote investment in skills and training to accompany structural change and anticipate employment and skills needs

(Source: European Commission)

29 November 2012

KEP Austria: Call for proposal

European funds: Know-how Exchange Programme
Deadline: 28th December 2012

Objectives of the funding programme:
  • Strengthen economic and social advancement of the CEI non-EU Member States; 
  • Help the recent EU members in their transformation from recipients to donors (emerging donors) of development assistance; 
  • Promote principles of foreign development aid and support international collaboration among institutions in CEI member countries.
Within the scope of KEP AUSTRIA Call for Proposal 2013 the following priority areas apply:
 I. European Integration, Capacity Building and Market Economy 
II. Infrastructure Planning and Development 
III. Agriculture, Energy, and Environment 

Project implementation should start after 1 March 2013. Project duration should not exceed 12 months

Detailed newsletter and official documents

14 November 2012

European funds for culture

EuropeAid programme
EU grant funds for Supporting culture as a vector of democracy and economic growth 
Deadline: 18 December 2012 for concept notes

The call for proposals is divided into two lots, corresponding to two different specific objectives, as follows: 

Lot 1: Encourage cultural expressions which promote diversity, intercultural dialogue and human and cultural rights, in the context of reconciliation, conflict resolution and democratisation 

Target groups include cultural actors (such as policy-makers, artists and cultural workers), media, education professionals and civil society.  

Lot 2: Strengthen capacities of cultural actors for the development of a dynamic cultural sector contributing to economic growth and sustainable development 

Target groups include different categories of cultural actors, such as policy-makers, artists and cultural workers in general (including technicians, managers and professionals involved in production, promotion and distribution), entrepreneurs, etc., as well as other stakeholders involved in the cultural sector, including relevant public bodies, civil society organisations or private entities.

08 November 2012

Progress programme

European funding for Social Policy experimentation
Deadline: 15th February 2013

• Promotion of youth activation measures to tackle and prevent youth unemployment and exclusion 
• Provision of quality childcare services that focuses on the provision and quality of key services for improving child well-being 
• Promotion of active and healthy ageing, 

The planned duration of the project may not be less than 24 months nor exceed 36 months.

Eligibility of the applicant:
The applicant should meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. The applicant must be established in EU27, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia
2. The applicant must be a public authority, at central, regional or local level, or a body governed by public law;

Detailed newsletter and official documents

25 October 2012

Partner search for European projects

We are looking for partners for an Intelligent energy Europe (IEE) and\or Eurostars research project

The project wants to promote energy efficiency increasing the use of wind energy through the development of a new wind turbine. 
The idea has already been patented in Canada by our partner but not in Europe. A small prototype has been built but there is a further need to research and develop the turbine. This 5 kw system can be used in rural, urban, residential or commercial environment and installed on roofs. It can be used in all weather conditions, from a wind speed of 2 m\sec but also with wind speed of 15- 20 m /sec with no cut system. 
Maintenance costs are reduced in comparison to systems with horizontal axes and estimated to be 2-3% of the investment cost. The life cycle is expected to be longer. We are looking for construction companies, architecture or design companies. 

 Please email us at infonetwork (AT) igcsas.it for further information.

15 October 2012

Call for proposals 'Researchers' Night'

The European Commission has published its 'Researchers' Night call for proposals, which is part the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). 

Deadline: 08 January 2013 

Taking place every year since 2005, the Researchers' Night benefits from an ever-increasing success and impact, both in terms of number of people reached and benefits to the Marie Curie Actions. Its main objective is to bring the researchers closer to the public at large, thereby enhancing their role in the mainstream of society. With a budget of EUR 4 million, the call for proposals allows for a greater cohesion between the various actions supported, their scale, the target audience and the messages delivered

Call fiche

05 October 2012

European funding: environment

European grant fund: New Knowledge for an integrated management of human activity in the sea 
 Deadline: 19 December 2012 

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) promotes the integration of environmental consideration into all relevant policy areas and delivers the environmental pillar of the future maritime policy of the European Union. An ecosystem-based approach to the management of human activities is central to the implementation of MSFD and to attaining its overall objective to take the necessary measures to achieve or maintain good environmental status (GES) by 2020. 

The purpose of this Pilot Project is to develop new concept and decision-making tools for integrated environmental monitoring for the MSFD to support management of human activities in EU marine waters. The project will develop integrated monitoring strategies in selected pilot regions, based on existing sampling across various disciplines (physical, chemical, biological) and scope the potential for joint monitoring programmes (within and between Member States). It will aim to develop strategic approaches to the integrated monitoring of pressures from human activities and their effects on the environment to support the MSFD and other environmental

Newsletter and official documents

26 September 2012

European fundings for culture

European funds for culture

Deadline: 7th October 2012

Multi-annual cooperation projects can be realised in all areas of cultural activity. These projects are intended to enhance the common European cultural area with a view to encouraging the emergence of a sense of European citizenship.

Projects must have a duration of not less than 36 months and not more than 60 months

The only eligible applicants are public or private organisations with legal personality whose main activity is in the cultural field (areas of cultural or creative activity)
Cultural organisations are given support for projects to work together across borders and to create and implement cultural and artistic activities. The thrust of this programme is to help organisations, such as theatres, museums, professional associations, research centers, universities, cultural institutes and public authorities from different countries participating in the Programme to cooperate so that different sectors can work together and extend their cultural and artistic reach across borders.

Detailed newsletter and official documents

21 September 2012

CALL4TRAINING: International Virtual Heritage School

V-MUST.NET organises the first International Virtual Heritage School.
Topic of the school: Virtual Museums, Communication and Digitisation.
The participation is free of cost. A number of Grants are available through awarded to best applicants through a
The call deadline is 10th of October 2012.
The school is held in Paestum, Italy from the 12th until the 17th of November (5 days). It will be co-hosted by the famous Paestum Archaeological Museum (mon/wed) and by the BMTA, the Mediterranean Expo of Archaeological Tourism, at Ariston (thu/sat). Part of the work will be connected with Archeovirtual Exhibition and Workshop (www.archeovirtual.it)
Target participants: very motivated professionals or academic researchers in the field of Digital Heritage or Cultural Heritage. 20 applicants will be selected. To all selected applicants will be offered accomodation and lunches, while further grants will be provided to best selected applications to cover also travel expenses. T
he program is focused on principles and practices of 3D technologies, with special focus on: speed 3d acquisition; 3d modelling, landscape reconstruction, GIS, Virtual Reality, CG movie production and the use of related software; communication issues, visitor studies; interaction and interface design; mobile technology. The school is structured in 5, integrated and connected sessions.

Further information

19 September 2012

European funds for SMEs

7 Framework programme: Research for the benefit of SMEs

Deadline: 15/11/2012

1. Research for SMEs scheme
The objective of this scheme is to directly support SMEs in the project to outsource their research activities. The scheme aims at supporting SMEs in need of outsourcing research activities to RTD performers such as universities, research centres or research performing SMEs. 'Other enterprises and end-users', which belong to the same value chains as the participating SMEs, can participate, if it is in the interest of the project.
Projects aim at creating new knowledge or achieving results with a clear exploitation potential to improve or develop new products, processes or services which meet the needs of the participating SMEs.
This scheme can assist SMEs in acquiring technological know-how and accessing international networks for their medium to long-term business development and follow a bottom-up approach, meaning that the research can originate in the entire field of science and technology in all industrial sectors.
2. Research for SME Associations scheme
The objective of this scheme is to indirectly support SMEs through their associations /groupings to outsource research activities. This scheme targets SME associations which act on behalf of their members to identify and address common technological problems and to promote the effective dissemination and take-up of research results. Projects include research, technological development and demonstration activities and are encouraged to include other activities such as training, to facilitate the dissemination and exploitation of results.
3. Demonstration activity
The objective of this activity is to prove (demonstrate) the viability of a new solution (itself a successful outcome of a research project) that offers a potential economic advantage but which cannot be directly commercialised as further technological or other developments are required. SMEs often need to follow up research projects with work linked to ‘demonstration’ or production of prototypes before actually commercialising goods and services but funding for this kind of activity is not readily available. Activities could e.g. include testing of prototypes, scale-up studies, performance verification and implementation of new technological and non-technological solutions. This action could also include detailed market studies and business plans. There are no thematic restrictions.
4.Coordination and Support Action - supporting action
The Commission, in its proposal for the SME support in the forthcoming programme Horizon 2020, has put strong emphasis on the development of a direct face-to-face mentoring and coaching support to SMEs desiring to innovate.

13 September 2012

E2BA opens a Public Consultation on the Roadmap

In the framework of the PPPs (public-private partnerships) Info days organised by the European Commission on July 9 and 10 in Brussels, the Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) has introduced the first draft of a new Energy-efficient Buildings Research and Innovation Roadmap covering the period 2014-2020.
This draft roadmap aims to align the industry long term plans with the content of Horizon 2020 proposal, where a clear research line on “Technologies enabling Energy-efficient buildings” has been proposed by the European Commission. A revision of this document after Public Consultation of the wide stakeholders’ community is expected in the coming months. E2BA is pleased to inform you about the opening of this Public Consultation on the roadmap.
This is a unique opportunity to have your say in the creation of the next E2BA strategic research and innovation roadmap for the 'Energy-efficient Buildings' public-private partnership under Horizon 2020. E2BA’s ambition is to drive the creation of an innovative high-tech energy efficiency industry extending the scope of the running EeB PPP beyond 2013, to be able to deliver new or refurbished, user centric and affordable buildings/districts in line with European and national commitments towards 2050. The aim of this Public Consultation is to ensure that the resulting roadmap will reflect truly European opinions on the research priorities of industry, end-users and the wider stakeholders’ community.
This consultation is open to all.
The consultation process will run until 1 October 2012 to ensure that interested parties have ample time to provide their feedback on this key document. E2BA will fine-tune the roadmap according to the feedback that we will receive with the aim of having a final version ready in early 2013. The final version of the roadmap will be presented to the European Commission as the core element of the industrial proposal for a Public-Private Partnership on Energy-efficient Buildings under Horizon 2020.
More information

10 September 2012

September: the European cultural heritage month

European Heritage Days

This joint action of the European Commission and Council of Europe gives access to visitors to thousands of rarely opened sites and unique events. This year, a stunning variety of events and monuments will be open to the public during the European Heritage Days. They range from Cistercian abbeys to cathedrals and castles, from the oldest iron printing press to Victorian grain warehouses; from coal mines to government buildings and theaters and many, many more. Some countries or regions establish an overarching theme over a series of events. For instance, France is focusing on “hidden heritage” inviting visitors to witness rarely seen or unexpected faces of heritage concealed in walls, underground or in the landscape; in the Brussels-Capital Region, examples of buildings which illustrate the engineering and technical solutions that led to the evolution of architecture over the centuries will be open to the public under the unifying idea of 'The art of building".
The list of events being offered throughout Europe runs into the tens of thousands. A number of countries are also producing joint events with a view to emphasizing the European dimension of the Programme. Ukraine, Spain, Moldova and Georgia, for instance, are collaborating on an electronic platform, which will link wine museums in cooperation activities across Europe; the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, France and Belgium are cooperating on a youth exchange and heritage education event.
Launched in 1985, the European Heritage Days have been organised since 1999 as a joint action of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The 50 signatory States to the European Cultural Convention take part in the European Heritage Days by putting new cultural assets on view and opening up historical buildings normally closed to the public. The cultural events highlight local skills and traditions, architecture and works of art, but the broader aim is to promote mutual understanding among citizens. For more information about the programme by country: www.ehd.coe.int

Funding opportunities for cultural projects

31 July 2012

European funds for research: Security

7FPThe 6th call for Security Research has been published on EC Participant Portal on 10th of July 2012. The last Call for Proposals for Security Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) has been published (2012-07-10). Its indicative budget is €298 million . The  call offers new research funding opportunities to research institutions, universities, industries, SMEs, civil society organizations and any other security stakeholders. 54 different topics have been specified in the Call Work Programme including 2 demonstration projects and 2 SME open topics. The closing date is 22nd November 2012.
The call documentation is available on the Participant Portal

20 July 2012

European funds for the audiovisual sector

European funds for the audiovisual sector

Deadline: 28th September 2012

Eligible actions
Support for training: this action aims at strengthening the skills of European and third- country professionals:
-Option 1 supports the inclusion of students/professionals and teachers from non-EU countries in initial or continuous training schemes supported by the MEDIA 2007 programme ,
- Option 2 supports the creation of a continuous training scheme specific to MEDIA Mundus.

Support for market access: this action supports projects to promote access to international markets for audiovisual works. These projects concern the development and/or pre-production phases (for example international co-production markets) and activities downstream (events facilitating international sales of the works).

Support for distribution and circulation: this action aims at encouraging distribution, promotion, screening and diffusion of European works in third-country markets and of audiovisual works from third countries in Europe under optimum conditions.

Cross-over activities: this action aims at supporting projects of a cross-cutting nature, i.e. touching upon several priorities of this programme, e.g. trainings with subsequent pitching events at co- production meetings.

Official documents

16 July 2012

EU Funds for research and developments

European funds for research: 7 Framework programme (7FP)

KBBE: knoweldge-based bio-economy
Deadline: 5 February 2013

European funds for research

Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments 

  • Enabling research Area 
  • Increased sustainability of all production systems (agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture); plant health and crop protection 
  • Optimised animal health, production and welfare across agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture 
  • Socio-economic research and support to policies 

06 July 2012

Eu funds: Youth in Action Programme

Youth Support Systems - Partnerships

Deadline for submission of applications: 17 September 2012

This call for proposals aims at supporting partnerships with regional or local public bodies or other stakeholders active in the youth sector at European level in order to develop over the long-term projects which combine various measures of the Youth in Action Programme.
This mechanism aims at encouraging synergies and cooperation between the European Commission – via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency – and the different actors working in the field of youth by pooling resources and practices with a view to maximising the impact of the programme and to reaching out to a higher number of beneficiaries.
The project must include activities of a non-profit-making nature that are related to the field of youth and non-formal education.

The following activities are eligible under this call:
  • Trans-national Youth Exchanges
  • National or Trans-national Youth Initiatives
  • European Voluntary Service
  • Training and Networking

05 July 2012

Prevention of and Fight against Crime

European funds for Prevention of and Fight against Crime 

Deadline 10 August and 12 October 2012 

Proposals submitted should target at least one of the following specific objectives of the Programme:
- to stimulate, promote and develop horizontal methods and tools necessary for strategically preventing and fighting crime and guaranteeing security and public order such as the work carried out in the European Union Crime Prevention Network, public-private partnerships, best practices in crime prevention, comparable statistics, applied criminology and an enhanced approach towards young offenders; 
- to promote and develop coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding among law enforcement agencies, other national authorities and related Union bodies in respect of the priorities identified by the Council in particular as set out by the Europol's Organised Crime Threat Assessment; 
- to promote and develop best practices for the protection and support witnesses; 
- to promote and develop best practices for the protection of crime victims.

03 July 2012

European funds for Economic impact of social enterprises

European funds for Economic impact of social enterprises

Deadline: 07/09/2012 
The objective of the activities to be funded by this call for proposals is to contribute to the availability of reliable statistics on social enterprises at national and European levels and to identify countries interested in collecting this information. 

 The aim is to provide policy-makers and relevant stakeholders for credible, comparable and systematic information and indicators on the role of the social enterprises in national economies and to offer usable and practical information to stakeholders for their decision making.

Further information

02 July 2012

European funds for tourism

Cooperation projects to create transnational tourism products based on cultural and industrial heritage 

Deadline: 28/09/2012

The final goal of the present call for proposals is to complement regional and national policies by supporting transnational cooperation and joint initiatives aiming at designing innovative transnational products in the fields of cultural and/or industrial tourism, with a view to: 
 1) Contributing to differentiate the European tourism offer by capitalising on and giving value to the shared cultural heritage; 
 2) contributing to economic regeneration and job creation in declining (post) industrial regions through interregional and transnational cooperation projects in the field of tourism.

Further information

21 June 2012

EU grant funds in the Transport sector

European funds for reducing Freight Traffic: Marco Polo programme.
Deadline: 21st September 2012

Five main actions:
1) Modal shift actions, which focus on shifting as much freight as economically meaningful under current market conditions from road to short sea shipping, rail or/and inland waterways
2) Catalyst actions: change the way non-road freight transport is conducted in the European Union.
3) Motorways of the sea actions: offering an integrated service, which shifts freight from long road distances to a combination of short sea shipping and other modes of transport
4) Traffic avoidance actions integrate transport into production logistics integrating transport into production logistics: reducing freight transport demand by road with a direct impact on emissions
5) Common learning actions enhance knowledge in the freight transport and logistics sector and foster advanced methods and procedures of co-operation in the freight market, with an overall objective of promoting intermodal solutions aiming at achieving modal shift or traffic avoidance

19 June 2012

European fundings

Call for proposals under the under the Lifelong Learning Programme

The general objective of the call is to promote the implementation of the four strategic objectives of the 'Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020)' (lifelong learning and mobility; quality and efficiency; equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; creativity and innovation) and a set of strategic priorities agreed for 2012-14.

The call is divided into two parts:
  - providing support to national implementation and awareness-raising of the objectives of European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020);
- providing support to implementation of innovative learning environments using information and communications technology.

Transnational cooperation may occur at national, regional or local level. It may cover different types (formal, non-formal, informal) and levels (pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary, adult, initial and continuing vocational education and training) of learning and may include links to other sectors (e.g. employment and business).

18 June 2012

DevCamp Call4: Call For Mobility 2012

European fundings: DevCamp Call4 - Call For Mobility 2012
Deadline: 30 June 2012

V-MOVE is an international training programme for heritage professionals and researchers in the field of virtual museums, aiming to enhance the skills and knowledge of digital visualisation and communication technologies, focused on virtual museums.
The V-MOVE innovative and experimental training integrates multi-disciplinary research across social, historical, humanistic and technological sciences. Interested applicants could apply for one mobility program and prepare a specific programme of work, together with the tutor of the hosting institutions.

11 June 2012

European funding - Innovative medicines initiative

European fundsEuropean funds - Innovative medicines initiative (IMI)
Deadline: 9th July 2012 for expression of interest

The aim of IMI is to propose a coordinated approach to overcome identified research bottlenecks in the drug development process, in order to accelerate the development of safe and more effective medicines for patients, by fostering collaboration between all stakeholders such as industry, public authorities (including regulators), organisations of patients, academia and clinical centres, and enhancing Europe’s competitiveness.

The IMI 6th Call 2012 consists of two topics:
1 : Innovative Trial Design and Clinical drug development
2 : Learning from success and failure and Getting Drugs into Bad Bugs

05 June 2012

European fundings for environment

Anticipation on the new call for proposal within the VII Framework programme for research and development: Environment
European fundings for research and development
Topics will cover the following area:
  • Coping with climate change
  • Sustainable use and management of land and seas
  • Improving resource efficiency
  • Protecting citizens from environmental hazards
  • Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society
  • Public-Private Partnership 'Energy Efficient Buildings Initiative'

01 June 2012

EU fundings for research and innovation

Agreement on Horizon2020 – the EUs next framework programme for research and innovation
European research fundings

The European ministers for research- and innovation have after long and hard negotiations reached an agreement on the overall structure for the EUs coming Framework programme for research and innovation – Horizon 2020 – which has a proposed budget of EUR 80 billion.

25 May 2012

European fundings: future internet

European funding for research and innovation: Future internet
Deadline: 24th October 2012

The Future Internet Public Private Partnership aims to advance Europe's competitiveness in Future Internet technologies and systems and to support the emergence of Future Internet-enhanced applications of public and social relevance.

Areas of intervention for 2012 call for proposals:
Pervasive and trusted network and services infrastructures
• Use case scenarios and early trials
• Capacity buildings and infrastructure support

Detailed newsletter and official documents

24 May 2012

European Funds for ecoinnovation

European fundings: CIP Eco-innovation First Application and Market Replication Projects Deadline: 6th September 2012
European fundings

The three main aspects of CIP Eco-innovation are:
1. Environmental benefits
2. Economic benefits (including wide replication)
3. Contribution of projects to innovation

23 May 2012

ICT Proposers' Day 2012

ICT Proposers' Day 2012
26-27 September, Warsaw

Networking for European ICT Research and Development

The ICT Proposers' Day is a unique networking opportunity to build quality partnerships for participating in the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2013. Building on the success of the previous ICT Proposers' Days, the event will provide:
  • first-hand information from European Commission officials on the new ICT Work Programme 2013, offering around 1.5 billion euro of EU funding
  • answers to questions related to the upcoming calls for proposals
  • an opportunity to present and discuss your project idea during one of the networking sessions a platform for exchanging ideas and finding right partners to form project consortia
  • guidance on how to present a successful proposal
Who should attend?

21 May 2012

Call for proposals - Pilot project for the development of knowledge partnerships
Deadline: 28 June 2012
erasmus for all

Within the Europe 2020 Innovation Union flagship initiative, one of the key activities is "Promoting excellence in education and skills development" and it is foreseen that the Commission "will also support business-academia collaborations through the creation of 'Knowledge Alliances' between education and business to develop new curricula addressing innovation skills gaps".

08 May 2012

Eu funds: Support to national activities aiming at combating discrimination and promoting equality

European programme: Progress - antidiscrimantion and diversity
Deadline of the call for proposal: 28 June 2012
The objectives of this call are to support national authorities in charge of equality and nondiscrimination of PROGRESS participating countries in:
a) Developing their national policy to combat discrimination and promote equality beyond legislation; b) Fostering the dissemination of information on EU and national policy and legislation in the non discrimination field;
c) Identifying best practices which could be transferable to other participating countries

03 May 2012

European funds for embedded systems

ARTEMIS Call 2012 Information & Networking Event Poland
11 May 2012 Science and Technology Park, Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdansk, Poland

Poland is the newest country that joins the ARTEMIS programme - with a budget of 1 mio this newcomer participates for the first time in the ARTEMIS Call.
The audience will exist of companies of the biggest Polish ICT Clusterm Pomerania Region. The speaking language is English so that starting international consortia for Call 2012 can complete their projects with excellent Polish partners. There are many excellent Polish companies with products and services that provide perfect niche solutions. Although companies know that they have excellent Embedded Systems products, they are often not aware of how powerful these can be since they do not really consider what they are doing as a special area of expertise. A substantial part of the programme consists of matchmaking of projectideas and consortia.

25 April 2012

European funds for research

Clean Sky JTI 2012-02
Deadline: 10 July 2012
Clean Sky is made up of 6 Integrated Technology Demonstrators.
Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft will deliver active wing technologies and new aircraft configuration for breakthrough, news products.

Green Regional Aircraft will deliver low-weight aircraft using smart strutures, as well as low external noise configurations and the integration of technology developed in other ITDs, such as engines, energy management and new system architectures.

24 April 2012

Civil Society Facility programme 2012

European funding: Civil Society Facility programme 2012
Deadline: 29/06/2012

Overal objective
A more dynamic civil society actively participating in public debate on democracy, human rights, social inclusion and the rule of law and with capacity to influence policy and decision making processes

23 April 2012

European Civil Protection Financial Instrument

Call for proposals: Projects on prevention and preparedness

The 2012 call for proposals for projects on prevention and preparedness in the field of civil protection covers two separate sections, each with specific objectives and budget:
(A) Prevention Projects
(B) Preparedness Projects

20 April 2012

European funding for GMES and GNSS based services

European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance: Phase II
Deadline: 27/06/2012

The overall purpose of this call is to extend the European Mobile and Mobility Alliance (EMMIA) in a second phase focused on a number of concrete and operational activities with special emphasis on promoting the further use of data and information from Earth monitoring and satellite navigation.

Strand 1  calls for the development and testing of new voucher schemes aimed at promoting the further use of GMES and GNSS based services in mobile services industries. Such vouchers schemes could either directly support mobile services providers (“Type A”) or the users of such mobile services (“Type B”). Strand 1 of the call will be implemented through a one-step application procedure.

19 April 2012

European funding for Sport

European funding for sport
Deadline: 31 July 2012

This call for proposals will support transnational projects put forward by public bodies or not-for-profit organisations in order to identify and test suitable networks and good practices in the field of sport, in the following areas:
(1) The fight against match-fixing,
(2) The promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing,
(3) Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level,
(4) Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States

Newsletter and official documents

17 April 2012

European funds for the audiovisual sector

European funding for supporting transnational distribution of European films
Deadline: 18 June 2012

Are you eligible?
You are eligible if you are a European company and have contracted with the producer(s) of a film to act as agent to market the rights to the work to potential buyers (particularly distributors) outside the home country or countries in at least ten countries participating in the MEDIA Programme.

16 April 2012

European funding programme: Daphne

European specific call for 116 000 hotline operating grants
Deadline: 22 May 2012

The 116 000 hotline has been designed to report missing children and provide social support services for children and families when a child goes missing. At present the 116 000 hotline is operational in only 17 Member States. This call for proposals is exclusively aimed at supporting non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or other entities, which are mandated by the national authorities in setting up and/or running 116000 hotlines for missing children and have not been awarded a grant under the first call.
The indicative maximum amount allocated for the specific 116 000 Hotline operating grant call is EUR 1 000 000.

Full text of the call for proposal

05 April 2012

European funding for cinema

European support to video on demand and digital cinema distribution
Call deadline: 25th  June 2012

The following actions are eligible under this Call for proposals:
1. video on demand (VoD): service enabling individuals to select audiovisual works from a central server for viewing on a remote screen by streaming and/or downloading;

04 April 2012

Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?

Multinational knowledge brokerage event on Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability
Linking Science and Policy.
Date: 30 May -1 June, 2012 Vienna University of Economics and Business

The Knowledge Brokerage event on “Green ICT for Growth and Sustainability?” focuses on potentials and challenges within the ICT domain with regards to their contribution to green growth and sustainable consumption. In particular, the aim is to stimulate discussions on the issues of network standby consumption, energy labeling, and smart metering, amongst others.

The event aims to foster networking, mutual understanding and knowledge exchange between policy-makers and experienced researcher in the field

03 April 2012

European fund for Cinema

European funding: Media Programme: support for the implementation of pilot projects
Deadline: 18th June 2012

The following actions are eligible under this Call for Proposals:
1. Distribution: new ways of creating and distributing European audiovisual content via non-linear services.
2. Open Media Production Environment.

02 April 2012

Europeaid Programme

European funding: civil society facility programme
Deadline: 29th June 2012

The global objectives of this Call for Proposals is:
• A more dynamic civil society actively participating in public debate on democracy, human rights, social inclusion and the rule of law and with capacity to influence policy and decision making processes
The specific objectives of this Call for Proposals are:

30 March 2012

The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012

The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012 Conference will be a flagship discussion forum dedicated to regional development based on knowledge and innovation addressing main current issues related to the effective implementation of EU headline targets at the regional level.
The Conference will dedicate the special attention to the regional dimension as the regions are at the core of the Cohesion Policy and create a significant stakeholders of the EU main documents as the Strategy Europe 2020 and the Horizon 2020.

29 March 2012

EU grant - IMI programme

European funding - Innovative medicines initiative (IMI)
Deadline: 16th May 2012 for expression of interest
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) has officially launch its 5th Call for proposals, giving researchers from diverse sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships that will pave the way for the development of the medicines of the future.

28 March 2012

European funds for researchers

Marie Curie for international outgoing fellowships for career development (IOF)
Deadline: 16th August 2012

The project is expected to include a coherent research programme for the total duration of the contract, of which an initial outgoing phase, of between one and two years, is to be spent in a distinct legal entity in an other third country (partner organisation) and a mandatory re/integration phase of one year within the contracting organisation (return host organisation) in a Member State or an associated country.

26 March 2012

Sustainable Industry Low Carbon scheme programme

European funding programme: Sustainable Industry Low Carbon scheme
Call deadline: 25th June 2012

The objective of the call is to provide support to actions that will focus on manufacturing and process industries covered by the ETS so as to enable these to cope with the challenges of a low carbon economy and to maintain their competitiveness.

The SILC (Sustainable Industry Low Carbon) initiative aims to help sectors to achieve specific GHG emission intensity reductions in order to maintain their competitiveness.

23 March 2012

European grant for Ambient Assisted Living

Research funding in the ICT sector for Ambient assisted living
Call deadline: 29h May 2012

The aim of the AAL Joint Programme is to provide innovative ICT-based solutions including innovative products, systems or services to enhance older adults’ quality of life and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe
The AAL programme is a demand-driven research and development funding programme for innovative ICT-based products, services, and systems. Its main goal is improving the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults, while improving service delivery and reducing the costs of care are secondary targets.

22 March 2012

EU contribution: Progress programme

European funding: industrial relations and social dialogue
Call deadline: 17 April 2012 and 4 September 2012

Objectives of this call include measures and initiatives related to the adaptation of social dialogue to changes in employment and work and related challenges, such as addressing modernisation of the labour market, quality of work, anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring, flexicurity, skills, mobility and migration, youth employment, contributions to the health and safety strategy, reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of anti-discrimination, active ageing, active inclusion and decent work.