30 March 2012

The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012

The Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2012 Conference will be a flagship discussion forum dedicated to regional development based on knowledge and innovation addressing main current issues related to the effective implementation of EU headline targets at the regional level.
The Conference will dedicate the special attention to the regional dimension as the regions are at the core of the Cohesion Policy and create a significant stakeholders of the EU main documents as the Strategy Europe 2020 and the Horizon 2020.

29 March 2012

EU grant - IMI programme

European funding - Innovative medicines initiative (IMI)
Deadline: 16th May 2012 for expression of interest
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) has officially launch its 5th Call for proposals, giving researchers from diverse sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships that will pave the way for the development of the medicines of the future.

28 March 2012

European funds for researchers

Marie Curie for international outgoing fellowships for career development (IOF)
Deadline: 16th August 2012

The project is expected to include a coherent research programme for the total duration of the contract, of which an initial outgoing phase, of between one and two years, is to be spent in a distinct legal entity in an other third country (partner organisation) and a mandatory re/integration phase of one year within the contracting organisation (return host organisation) in a Member State or an associated country.

26 March 2012

Sustainable Industry Low Carbon scheme programme

European funding programme: Sustainable Industry Low Carbon scheme
Call deadline: 25th June 2012

The objective of the call is to provide support to actions that will focus on manufacturing and process industries covered by the ETS so as to enable these to cope with the challenges of a low carbon economy and to maintain their competitiveness.

The SILC (Sustainable Industry Low Carbon) initiative aims to help sectors to achieve specific GHG emission intensity reductions in order to maintain their competitiveness.

23 March 2012

European grant for Ambient Assisted Living

Research funding in the ICT sector for Ambient assisted living
Call deadline: 29h May 2012

The aim of the AAL Joint Programme is to provide innovative ICT-based solutions including innovative products, systems or services to enhance older adults’ quality of life and to strengthen the industrial base in Europe
The AAL programme is a demand-driven research and development funding programme for innovative ICT-based products, services, and systems. Its main goal is improving the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills, and employability of older adults, while improving service delivery and reducing the costs of care are secondary targets.

22 March 2012

EU contribution: Progress programme

European funding: industrial relations and social dialogue
Call deadline: 17 April 2012 and 4 September 2012

Objectives of this call include measures and initiatives related to the adaptation of social dialogue to changes in employment and work and related challenges, such as addressing modernisation of the labour market, quality of work, anticipation, preparation and management of change and restructuring, flexicurity, skills, mobility and migration, youth employment, contributions to the health and safety strategy, reconciliation of work and family life, gender equality, action in the field of anti-discrimination, active ageing, active inclusion and decent work.

21 March 2012

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Secretariat invites you to take part in the 2012 edition by organising an Energy Day in your city or region (18-22 June 2012).

Five good reasons to get involved:
  1. Confirm your active role in this European movement towards a change in the energy landscape
  2. Get communication support from the EUSEW Secretariat (event organisation, media relations, social media) and improve your chance of impact
  3. Showcase your initiatives throughout our social media channels, and join the online EUSEW community
  4. Benefit from the EUSEW online web platform, and get in the official programme
  5. Benefit from an European media focus on sustainable energy and achieve media coverage for your organisation.

20 March 2012

Funding for Exchange of Officials in the area of Consumer Protection Cooperation
Deadline of the call: 29/6/2012
The present call for proposals relates to the financing mechanism for the exchange of enforcement officials within the framework of action 8 of the Consumer Programme 2007- 2013 and constitutes one of the actions that contribute to the attainment of the objective (b) of the Consumer Programme 2007-2013.

19 March 2012

Life + 2012

European grant funds: LIFE + programme
Deadline: 26 September 2012

The general objective of LIFE+ will be to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community environmental policy and legislation, including the integration of the environment into other policies, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

15 March 2012

European grant funds: IPA Europeaid

EuropeAid: IPA Information and Communication Programme 2011
Deadline: 8th May 2012

This Call for Proposals has three distinct priorities. Therefore, it is divided in three lots and the funding is broken down by lot:
· LOT 1: actions aiming at informing the general public about the EU, its policies and the benefits of EU membership (mainly through public activities and with the help of media);
· LOT 2: initiatives targeting at bringing the EU closer to Croatian youth, most notably the eurosceptics among them (age group from 16 to 26, but not exclusively);
· LOT 3: proposals focusing on informing and educating various specific segments of the public on the possibilities of EU funds.

14 March 2012

Open call for proposals - ReferNet - Cedefop’s European Network for Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Deadline: 16th April 2012

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is an agency of the European Union (EU). Acknowledged as an authoritative source of information and expertise on VET, skills and competences, its mission is to support European vocational education and training (VET) policy development and contribute to its implementation.

13 March 2012

European funds in the Justice sector

European funding: Training of national judges in EU Competition Law and judicial co-operation between national judges
Deadline: 17th April 2012

The objective of this call for proposal is to co-finance projects aimed at promoting judicial cooperation between, and the training of, national judges in the context of the enforcement of the European competition rules.
Projects with this objective may consist of :
- training activities in the form of conferences, seminars, colloquia, meetings and symposia on EU competition law for national judges as well as short- or long-term training courses in EU competition law under study programs for national judges;

12 March 2012

European fundings: Civil Justice
Deadline: 3rd April 2012
Types of activities
Projects may consist of :
- studies;
- research;
- meetings and seminars;
- exchanges between judicial authorities and judicial cooperation networks;
- training;
- dissemination of information on access to justice;
- design, development and implementation of innovative IT solutions;
- exchange of good practice, or - a combination of these activities.

09 March 2012

European funds for accessible tourism

European funds for European Destinations of Excellence - Accessible tourism
Deadline: 30th April 2012
The objective of the present call for proposals is to support eligible countries’ National Administrations in charge of tourism, or other eligible public bodies for the purpose of the selection of one destination of excellence.
The theme for this year's call is “Accessible tourism”.
It is proposed to reward those destinations which have developed a tourism offer based on an overall approach to accessibility for tourists regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities or age.

07 March 2012

European funds for the audivisual sector

Eu funds: Media 2007 programme - development, distribution, promotion and training
Deadline: 16th April 2012

The programme wants to improve the continuous vocational training of professionals in the audiovisual sector, so as to give them the know-how and skills needed to create competitive products on the European and other markets.
The following actions and their activities are eligible:
- actions aiming at developing the capacity of audiovisual professionals to understand and integrate a European dimension to their work by improving expertise in the following fields:
• training in economic, financial and commercial management,
• training in new audiovisual technologies,
• training in script project development.

Projects shall last for a maximum period of 12 months.

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06 March 2012

European funds for electric vehicles

European funds for promotion of electric vehicles technologies
Deadline: 30th April 2012

The general objective of the call is to raise the level of social awareness about the high performance of electric vehicles and the benefits of their utilisation, at the same time that specific aspects that may have created a certain degree of public reluctance about the purchase of vehicles based on electric powertrains are addressed.

05 March 2012

Cooperation between national authorities responsible for the assessment, market surveillance and enforcement of the safety of non-food consumer products and services
Deadline: 1st April 2012

Under this call, financial contribution may be awarded to joint actions which should: “improve the effective application of Directive 2001/95/EC on General Product Safety (GPSD) through cooperation between national authorities responsible for the assessment, market surveillance and enforcement of the safety of non-food consumer products and services”.
The joint actions may cover one or more of the following aspects of administrative cross-border co-operation activities related to surveillance and enforcement of European Union safety requirements for non-food consumer products:

02 March 2012

Erasmus University Charter 2013

European funds for Erasmus University charter
Deadline: 29th March 2012

The Erasmus University Charter provides the general framework for the European cooperation activities a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Erasmus programme as part of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). The Erasmus University Charter must be awarded as a prerequisite for HEI to organise student mobility and teaching and other staff mobility, to carry out Erasmus intensive language courses and intensive programmes, and to apply for multilateral projects, networks, accompanying measures and to organise preparatory visits.

01 March 2012

European SME Week 2012

The European SME Week 2012 will take place from 15 - 21 October.

The European SME Week aims to:
  • provide information on what the EU and national, regional and local authorities are offering as support to micro, small and medium-sized businesses;
  • promote entrepreneurship so that more people, and in particular younger ones, seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur as a career option;
  • give recognition to entrepreneurs for their contribution to Europe's welfare, jobs, innovation and competitiveness.