29 July 2011

Research funds for Green Cars

European research funds for "Material for Green Cars"
Deadline: 1st December 2011

Innovative automotive electrochemical storage applications based on nanotechnology
Expected Impact: (i) High energy densities with respect to the state-of-the art (i.e. higher than 400 Wh/kg); (ii) Overall performance, safety, recyclability and life-cycle sustainability; (iii) A minimum lifetime of 3000 cycles in a 80% DoD window in typical automotive conditions over 10 years; (iv) Establish and maintain world-class status for the European automotive battery industry.
Innovative advanced lightweight materials for the next generation of environmentally-friendly electric vehicles
Expected Impact: (i) Considerable weight reduction: a 30% body in white weight reduction was already demonstrated in recent EU projects on conventional vehicles; a further 20% reduction (taking into account the higher acceptable cost) is to be demonstrated, with the relevant safety, energy efficiency and environmental benefits; and/or (ii) Overall reduction in time-to-market and development costs while increasing product flexibility; and (iii) Economic viability and technological feasibility of the advanced materials and the related processes with reference to real applications of industrial relevance; and/or (iv) Options for the use of globally available, recyclable or recycled, and carbon-neutral materials; and/or (v) Extended lifetime of durable components of a vehicle and lower life-cycle costs.

26 July 2011

Research funds for the Benefit of SMEs

European Research funds for SMEs
DEADLINE: 6th December 2011
The call is open to all research fields.
The call is divided in three parts:
  • Research for SMEs
  • Research for SME Associations
  • Demonstration Activity

25 July 2011

European funds for research - Science in Society

Grant funds for research "Science in Society"
DEADLINE: 22nd February 2012

More dynamic governance of the science and society relationship
Better understanding of the place of science and technology (S&T) in society (Indicative budget: EUR 3.5 million)
  • Relationships between science, democracy and law: Governance frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
Broader engagement to anticipate and clarify political, societal and ethical issues (Indicative budget: EUR 14.5 million)
  • Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Action Plans: mainstreaming SiS actions in research
  • Broader engagement on science related questions: International Coordination in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation(RRI)
Strengthening and improving the European science system (Indicative budget EUR 1.5 million)
  • Encouraging the debate on information dissemination, including access to scientific results and the future of scientific publications, taking also into account measures to improve access by the public: Scientific data: open access, dissemination, preservation and use
Strengthening potential, broadening horizons
Gender and research (indicative budget: EUR 5.9 million):
  •  Strengthening the role of women in scientific research and in scientific decision-making bodies
  • Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men by encouraging a more gender-aware management in research and scientific decision-making bodies.  
  • Creating a transnational community of practitioners (Internet Portal)
 Young people and science (indicative budget: EUR 12 million)
  • Supporting formal and informal science education in schools as well as through science centres and museums and other relevant means: Supporting actions on Innovation in the classroom: teacher training on inquiry based teaching methods on a large scale in Europe
  • Research and coordination actions on new methods in science education: Research on the use and development of  formative and summative assessment methodologies in mathematics, science and technology in primary and secondary education
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22 July 2011

European research grants in the field of environment

Research fundings for the environemnt
DEADLINE: 20th October 2011


1. Coping with climate change
  • Exploiting the full potential of economic instruments to contribute to achieving the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives for 2050 (CP)
  • Explore opportunities, risks and feasibility and policy implications associated with key geo-engineering options

2. Sustainable use and management of land and seas
  • Improve scientific knowledge base to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (“The Ocean of Tomorrow”)
  • Development of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, excavating and securing underwater and coastal archaeological sites

3. Improving resources efficiency
  • Policy options for a resource efficient economy
  • Development of resource efficiency indicators
  • Support for standardisation needs in the field of environment  

4. Mobilising environmental knowledge
  • Exploring opportunities for open access to primary environmental data
  • Integrated assessment of air pollution supporting the revision of EU air quality legislation
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21 July 2011

Research funds in the field of Environment

European research funds: Cooperation with India
Deadline: 20th October 2011 (for preproposals)

Water technology: research and innovation
  • Water purification
  • Water reclamation
  • Water reuse
The objective of this call is to develop:
  • Reliable and cost-effective solutions for producing clean and safe drinking water at community level
  • Reliable, rapid and cost-effective monitoring techniques for the detections of water contaminants
  • Cost-effective low energy technologies for treatment of municipal and household wastewater including disposal of sludge/energy recovery from sludge
  • Techniques for online pathogen monitoring for safe reuse of treated water for intended application
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18 July 2011

Training course on European funds

Turin, Italy - 26/28 September 2011

If you want to learn how to participate to a European project or how to get your project funded, that's the course for you!

Learn more on www.corsoeuroprogettazione.blogspot.com

13 July 2011

Research on Environment (including climate change)

Two calls are expected under the FP7 Environment Theme targeting five challenges, including climate change, sustainable use and management of land and seas, improving resource efficiency, protecting citizens from environmental hazards, and mobilizing environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society.

Specific objectives for the environment and climate research are:

  • Provide knowledge-based options for addressing major societal challenges notably climate change, biodiversity loss, land and sea management and resource efficiency.
  • Develop and strengthen European leadership in innovation including key environmental technologies pursuing a broad concept of innovation, both research driven innovation and new business models, eco-design, services (e.g. ecosystem services) and innovation in policy, governance and consumption behaviour.
  • Promote and facilitate knowledge transfer, assessment, uptake and exploitation of scientific data and results, in particular through demonstration and delivery of innovative tools and services such as ecosystem services and earth observation systems.
Publication Date: 20/07/2011

11 July 2011

Partner search for Eco Innovation call

We are searching tanneries and companies that make seats for the air, automotive, bus and naval sectors.

Any other profile will be evaluated anyway.

The project proposal aims to reuse scrapes from the leather fashion industry. The process is based on the reutilisation of cuttings derived from the manufacturing by the fashion firms. These scrapes will be treated through a patent tanning process to produce a new material.
These scraps are now largely treated as waste because of their very small dimension and nowadays can not be reused for other productions.
This waste material is normally discarded as non-hazardous special waste.
Through a reworking process, it is possible to obtain a new material for other applications in the industrial field.
This new material has some characteristics that can be conveniently used in the coating of coverings for the automotive, railway and air sectors. It also responds to industry-specific safety regulations.

The project intent to type-test this material in accordance with the automotive, rail and air standards and the European and international standards.
The project aims also to establish and install a production process on an industrial scale, to meet the production volumes required for potential markets. Moreover, a sales network has to be developed.

The coordinator is an Italian SME.
For further information please contact me.

10 July 2011

Research on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Technologies

The new call for proposal will be published on 20th July 2011.

Main Activites for 2012 research projects:
The focus will be on  smart and sustainable growth, for a greener industry

The activites proposed in the programme will support the European Economic Recovery Plan, through three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): 'Factories of the future', 'Energy efficient Buildings' and 'Green cars'.

With regard to specific challenges, the following issues are addressed:

• Energy and Energy efficiency
• Environmental issues and sustainable development 
• Raw Materials 
• Health and safety 
• Factories of the Future 
• European energy-efficient buildings 
• Green Cars

If you are interested in this call, please contact us for further information.

08 July 2011

European Carrier integration grants

Support for training and career development of researchers
Deadline: 6th Semptember 2011

This action addresses experienced researcher  (in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD) or have at least four years research experience)
The application is made jointly by a researcher and a host organisation.
Applicant host organisations must be active in research and located in a Member State or associated country.

Mobility Conditions
At the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, the researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to this deadline.
Projects must be for a period of between 24 and 48 months (full-time equivalent).
The action is intended to improve considerably the prospects for the permanent integration of researchers who are taking up, for the first time, a stable post in mEurope. This action should also allow the transfer of knowledge they have acquired prior to the CIG, as well as to the development of lasting cooperation with the research and/or industrial environment of the country from which they have moved. This action has a particular emphasis on countering European 'brain drain' to other third countries.

07 July 2011

European funds for Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations

Call for proposal - Deadline: 30th August 2011 

The aim of this programme is to improve expertise in industrial relations (especially in European and comparative terms), to promote the exchange of information and experience among parties actively involved in industrial relations (companies, workers, public authorities and research centres) and to promote the development of industrial relations in Europe

Eligible Actions
• general seminars or conferences on industrial relations, including preparatory studies, the organisation of round tables, exchanges of experience and networks of key actors and/or experts;
• initiatives to further the collection and use of information on national industrial relations systems and on developments at European level;
• initiatives to promote knowledge on effective industrial relations practices, including successful forms of worker participation, particularly in regard to the anticipation, preparation and management of change;
• initiatives contributing to the preparation or use (presentation, discussions and dissemination) of the European Commission's Industrial Relations in Europe report

• Social partners: European or regional/national social partner organisations
• Organisations linked to industrial relations: Non-profit-making organisations, research centres and institutes, universities, Non-profit-making networks of companies or of workers’ organisations
• Public authorities including related associations and government services or agencies
• International organisations (such as UN Agencies) active in the fields of social dialogue and / or industrial relations

06 July 2011

European programme for Employment and Social Solidarity

European grants: Support for European social dialogue
Deadline: 30th August 2011
Eligible Actions
• measures to prepare European social dialogue, such as preparatory surveys, meetings and conferences;
• measures regarded as part of social dialogue, such as negotiations, preparatory meetings for negotiations or activities relating to the implementation of negotiated agreements and other negotiated outcomes;
• measures to implement the European social partners' work programmes (such as the organisation of round tables, exchanges of experience and networks of key actors);
• measures to monitor and follow up European social dialogue activities and outcomes, such as conferences and other initiatives to disseminate and evaluate the results of European social dialogue through European or national events, or through studies, paper or electronic publications (including the translation);
• measures to improve the coordination, functioning and effectiveness of European social dialogue, including through the identification and development of joint approaches by the social dialogue committees, such as the exchange of good practice and related joint training events;
• measures to strengthen the capacity of social partners to contribute to European social dialogue with particular attention to new Member States and Candidate Countries (such as information and training seminars);
• measures by social partners which contribute to the employment and social dimensions of the Europe 2020 Strategy and actions to implement the European Employment Strategy (EES) and to monitor and analyse its impact on labour markets;
• measures to support the European social partners and social dialogue committees undertake and contribute to impact assessment of the employment and social dimensions of EU initiatives.

Eligible Partners
• Social partners: European or regional/national social partner organisations
• Organisations linked to industrial relations: Non-profit-making organisations, research centres and institutes, universities, Non-profit-making networks of companies or of workers’ organisations
• Public authorities including related associations and government services or agencies
• International organisations (such as UN Agencies) active in the fields of social dialogue and / or industrial relations

01 July 2011


Deadline: 15th September 2011

  • Intelligent electric vehicle (EV)
  • Safety in traffic
  • Internet multimedia services
  • Evolution to a digital life style

  • Energy distribution and management – smart grid
  • Reduction of energy consumption

  • Home healthcare
  • Hospital healthcare
  • Managing complexity
  • Managing diversity
  • Design for reliability and yield

  • Know-how for advanced and emerging semiconductor processes
  • Competitiveness through semiconductor process differentiation
  • Opportunities in system-in-package

  • Advanced cmos – 1X nm & 450mm
  • Manufacturing

  • Securing the European challenging Applications