02 February 2011


DEADLINE: MAY 12Th, 2011
  • All applicants must be legal entities, whether public or private, established in the territory of the EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Croatia.
  • Applications must be submitted by a team of at least three independent legal entities, each established in a different eligible country
Energy efficiency
  • Energy-efficient products: transforming the market towards more energy-efficient products and systems, supporting and complementing the legislation in this area.
  • Industrial excellence in energy: increasing the competitiveness of European industries, in particular of SMEs, by empowering them to save energy.
    New and renewable energy resources (we are looking for possible partners for this call) 
    • Electricity from renewable energy sources:  increasing the share of renewable electricity in Europe’s final energy consumption.
    • Renewable heating/cooling: for heating and cooling applications.
    • Bioenergy: increased production and use of biomass, bio-liquids and biogas in energy markets.
      Energy in transport
      • Energy-efficient transport:  reducing the demand for travel by car and transport by road freight, and to shift travel and transport to more efficient transport modes.
      • Clean and energy-efficient vehicles: helping the transformation of the market towards more energy-efficient vehicles, supporting and complementing the recent legislation in this area.
        Integrated Initiatives
        • integrating energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in several sectors of the economy;
        • combining various instruments, tools and actors within the same action or project
          Further information: infonetwork@igcsas.it 

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