11 December 2013

European funding: CHIST-ERA

CHIST-ERA - European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-Net

Call deadline: 21st January 2014

CHIST-ERA is a coordination and co-operation activity supported by the European Union scheme of the FP7. The aim is to reinforce the transnational collaboration between Member States in challenging multidisciplinary research in the area of ICST with the potential to lead to significant breakthroughs. The partner organisations identify emergent scientific fields allowing European researchers to engage in high risk, high impact projects that will bring some advance in science by launching each year a transnational call for research proposals.

The Call 2013 addresses two topics:

1) Adaptive Machines in Complex Environments: Research in this topic addresses this challenge by developing autonomous systems that are perceptive to human requirements and that have the ability to continuously learn, adapt and improve in “real world” complex environments. These systems should be capable of continuous learning, such that they are able to work alongside humans in a reliable, safe and trust-worthy manner.
2) Heterogeneous Distributed Computing: The increase in the number of devices per capita and the challenge of processing ever-increasing amounts of data require new approaches involving researchers working across system levels. For example, hardware and software researchers working together to develop new approaches leading to improved performance, optimisation, reliability, fault tolerance and energy efficiency of distributed systems.

Proposals must be submitted by international consortiums with research partners in at least three
of the following countries: Austria, Belgium (Flanders), France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

Funding is based on national rules.

For more information please contact us

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