04 November 2013

Grants for Information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (PAC)

Deadline: 30 November 2013

The European Commission co-finances information measures relating to the common agricultural policy that aim, in particular, at:

a. explaining, contributing to, implementing and developing the policy, 
b. promoting the European model of agriculture and helping people understand it, 
c. informing farmers and other parties active in rural areas, 
d. raising public awareness of the issues and objectives of that policy. 

The Commission accepts applications only from legal entities that have been established for at least two years in an EU member country 

Examples of eligible organisations: 
  •  non-profit organisation (private or public), 
  • public authorities (national, regional, local), 
  • European associations, 
  • universities, 
  • educational institutions, 
  • research centres,
  •  companies (for instance communication media companies)

 For citizens, the priority themes will deal with general topics about the CAP and should focus on its three core elements: food safety, sustainable management of our natural resources and the development of our rural areas. 
The objective of these actions is to inform a large number of people about the basic issues of the reformed CAP. 

The actions should include several of the communication activities or tools listed below (the list is not exhaustive): 
  • production and distribution of multimedia or audiovisual material, 
  •  production and distribution of printed material (pub­lications, posters, etc.), 
  • setting up Internet and social network tools, 
  • media events,
  • conferences, seminars or workshops, 
  • events type ‘city farm’ which help to explain the importance of agriculture to the urban population, 
  • events type ‘open doors’ aiming at showing to the citizens the role of agriculture, 
  • static or mobile exhibitions or information points.
Budget: EUR 3,000,000

For further information contact us

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