23 September 2013


DEADLINE: 3 December 2013

The overall objective of the Research Infrastructures Part of the 'Capacities' specific programme is to optimise the use and development of the best research infrastructures existing in Europe, and to help to create in all fields of science and technology new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community to remain at the forefront of the advancement of research, and able to help industry to strengthen its base of knowledge and its technological know-how.

Within the scope of this EU action, the term 'research infrastructures' refers to facilities, resources, systems and related services that are used by research communities to conduct top level research in their respective fields. This definition covers: major scientific equipment or set of instruments; knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives or structured scientific information; ICT-based e-Infrastructures (networks, computing resources, software and data repositories) for research and education; any other entity of a unique nature essential to achieve or enable excellence in research. Research infrastructures may be 'single-sited' or 'distributed' (a network of resources).

Call n.12: Support actions on policy development, including international cooperation, for e-Infrastructures.
Indicative budget: EUR 2.50 million
Proposals will aim at providing policy support for e-Infrastructures, in one of the following areas: 
  • bringing together national and pan-European e-Infrastructure and research infrastructures initiatives and stakeholders (in particular e-IRG and ESFRI) in view of better meeting common research infrastructure needs through e-infrastructure offerings, 
  • investigating the feasibility of EU-wide network of HPC competence centres to provide services to industry, in particular to SME's, 
  • fostering an increased European role and participation with relevant stakeholders in global data infrastructure initiatives, in particular the Research Data Alliance (RDA); this includes facilitating European industrial involvement in order to exploit emerging opportunities for products and services based on the increased availability of interoperable data, 
  • developing a roadmap for broadening e-infrastructures deployment to support the participation of the citizens in all phases of the scientific development process, including the definition of research goals.

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