30 September 2013

European Centre for Press and Media Freedom

Deadline:15 October 2013

The present call invites proposals that address violations of media freedom and pluralism not only with a theoretical approach but also by providing practical support to journalists.

The proposals should cover in particular the following functions:
  • monitor and document violations of media freedom and pluralism, [with a particular focus on impeding or restricting journalistic activities]
  • prepare reports of such violations taking account of the need ensure anonymity where appropriate
  • raise awareness for violations of media freedom and pluralism, including through organisation of public events and dissemination of information inter alia through a website
  • provide a point of contact for journalists [and other professionals from the media sector] who experience or experienced violations of media freedom and pluralism
  • explore ways to provide support to journalists facing challenges from such violations and organise support as appropriate
  • prepare written documentation of successful approaches towards organising and providing such support
  • organise related training
The activities should be anchored in structures that are independent from the Commission and Member States and accessible to journalists and other professionals from the media sector across all types of media. In case where such structures already exist, activities carried out in the framework of those structures which do not fall under the functions described above should not call into doubt the independence of those structures.

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 1.000.000


27 September 2013

Proposal of 2015 as European Year for Development

The EU's proposal that 2015 should be the European Year of Development has been adopted by the Commission and will now be considered for adoption by the Council and European Parliament. 2015 will be a pivotal year for development; it is the last year for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the year in which the major decisions will be taken on what their replacements will look like.

The EU is the biggest donor of the official development assistance (ODA) in the world. Four years after the adoption of the Agenda for Change (the European Commission's blueprint to refocus its development aid to make sure that it reaches those sectors and countries which need it most), 2015 is the ideal time for donors and stakeholders to come together to look at what has been achieved so far, and most importantly, what still needs to be done. Despite the current economic downturn, support for development remains high across the EU, with some 85% of EU citizens saying that Europe should continue helping developing countries despite the economic crisis, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey. 

The European Year of Development 2015 will be a key opportunity to raise awareness of development across Europe, and to show European taxpayers know that every euro spent on development benefits both people living in some of the world's poorest countries, and EU citizens themselves.

(source: European Commission)

25 September 2013

Funding for victims of torture

DEADLINE: 22 October 2013

The main objective of this Pilot Project is to create a new line of funding for the final benefit of victims of torture (EU or non-EU citizens) present in the Union.
The funding should cover the following actions designed, developed and implemented in EU Member States:

  • to create rehabilitation centres for victims of torture or to support the existing ones by providing funds for their rehabilitation costs and their other activities;
  • to provide access to multidisciplinary support and counseling, including physical and psychotherapeutic treatment, psycho-social counseling, legal services, and socioeconomic support to the victims;
  • to support international networking between rehabilitation centres in order to build capacities, support the exchange of good practices among specialists, allow peer supervision as a means of prevention of vicarious trauma, etc.;
  • to support activities which aim to empower torture victims themselves and, in general, to support the ability of torture victims to integrate into society in European countries.
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is EUR 2.000.000.
The minimum grant will be EUR 175.000 and the maximum grant will be EUR 350.000. Financial contribution from the European Union cannot exceed 90 % of the total eligible costs of the action.
Eligible organisations are: national, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public or private bodies, university departments, research centres that are constituted with a legal personality and are duly registered in one of the eligible countries.

23 September 2013


DEADLINE: 3 December 2013

The overall objective of the Research Infrastructures Part of the 'Capacities' specific programme is to optimise the use and development of the best research infrastructures existing in Europe, and to help to create in all fields of science and technology new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community to remain at the forefront of the advancement of research, and able to help industry to strengthen its base of knowledge and its technological know-how.

Within the scope of this EU action, the term 'research infrastructures' refers to facilities, resources, systems and related services that are used by research communities to conduct top level research in their respective fields. This definition covers: major scientific equipment or set of instruments; knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives or structured scientific information; ICT-based e-Infrastructures (networks, computing resources, software and data repositories) for research and education; any other entity of a unique nature essential to achieve or enable excellence in research. Research infrastructures may be 'single-sited' or 'distributed' (a network of resources).

Call n.12: Support actions on policy development, including international cooperation, for e-Infrastructures.
Indicative budget: EUR 2.50 million
Proposals will aim at providing policy support for e-Infrastructures, in one of the following areas: 
  • bringing together national and pan-European e-Infrastructure and research infrastructures initiatives and stakeholders (in particular e-IRG and ESFRI) in view of better meeting common research infrastructure needs through e-infrastructure offerings, 
  • investigating the feasibility of EU-wide network of HPC competence centres to provide services to industry, in particular to SME's, 
  • fostering an increased European role and participation with relevant stakeholders in global data infrastructure initiatives, in particular the Research Data Alliance (RDA); this includes facilitating European industrial involvement in order to exploit emerging opportunities for products and services based on the increased availability of interoperable data, 
  • developing a roadmap for broadening e-infrastructures deployment to support the participation of the citizens in all phases of the scientific development process, including the definition of research goals.

20 September 2013

NGO operating grants for 2014 under the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+)

DEADLINE: 15 October 2013

This call for proposals aims at co-financing the operating costs of European environmental NGOs in relation to activities provided for in their 2014 annual work programme that involve contributing to the implementation and/or development of EU environmental policy and legislation in Europe.

The main focus of the proposed work programme should relate to one or more of the following thematic objectives:
  • protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s natural capital
  • turn the Union into a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon economy
  • safeguard the Union’s citizens from environment-related pressures and risks to health and wellbeing
In addition, the extent to which proposals address the following annual priorities will be given special consideration:
  • Waste
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Which kind of Organizations can apply? Organizations independent and non-profit-making, primarily active in the field of environmental protection and enhancement with an environmental objective; organizations active at a European level either singly or in the form of several coordinated associations and which are legally established in one of the EU member states.

Finance available: €9.000.000 ( typical grant award around € 300.000; maximum € 900.000) The rate of overall EU assistance shall not exceed 70 % of the applicant's eligible expenses for the grant year.


18 September 2013

TUBITAK Scholarship Programme for Least Developed Countries

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) aims to give scholarships for graduate students from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities in Turkish Universities for improving science and technology capacity of LDCs and building scientific and socio-economic bridge between LDCs and Turkey.

Maximum durations of scholarship are 2 years for MSc/MA students and, 4 years for PhD students. Additionally, fellows attending a language school may be supported up to one year by 75 % of the full stipend. The fellows should start their fellowship in one year after the announcement of the results.

Fall Term:  19 August-27 September 2013

Further information

16 September 2013

Preparatory Action "Guardians of the Sea"

Deadline for submission of proposals: 18/10/2013 

 The purpose of this Action is to promote a better balance between the EU fishing fleet and the available fisheries resources and to contribute to the reduction of the EU fishing fleet while at the same time preserving jobs in coastal communities

The Action should examine and demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of maritime activities other than fishing, using a re-assigned fishing vessel, which are carried out by fishermen and captains who have left fishing, thus making the best use of their knowledge, experience and expertise. 

Specific objectives of the project 
 (a) Test in Mediterranean coastal regions, the feasibility of professionally reorienting fishermen using fishing vessels re-assigned to activities other than fishing; 
 (b) Identify and develop technical solutions for sea cleaning, such as for example to solve the problem of collecting small plastic debris and small fragments; 
 (c) Identify the economic conditions and operational costs of vessels operating as a platform for a number of environmental and maritime activities outside fishing and identify ways for future funding; 
 (d) Identify the relevant training needs of fishermen, and where appropriate, vessel owners, and identify ways to cover these needs and fund them; 
 (e) Support the reduction of fishing capacity in line with CFP Reform objectives by providing incentives to both fisherman and vessel owners to leave the sector and opt for professional reorientation. 

 The following types of entities located in a Mediterranean coastal region are eligible to participate in the call: 
- public authorities (national, regional, local administration); 
- public or semi-public bodies; 
- profit or non-profit making private bodies;
- research centres and educational institutions; 
- other interested associations, such as FLAGs within the meaning of Regulation (EC) 1198/2006. 

Budget: € 1.200.000

For further information, please contact us

13 September 2013


With the European Capital of Innovation Award, the European Commission wants to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of a city in building up an innovation ecosystem, i.e. a system which links the citizens (People) with a built environment (Place) and public organizations and policy-makers (Public) through business (Private). 

 The contest is open until 3 December 2013.

 The award of EUR 500 000 will be given to the winning city to scale up its achievement. 

 An independent panel of experts will judge the applications on the basis of the following criteria: 

  • Innovative - Initiatives must be highly innovative in terms of concepts, processes and tools. 
  • Inspiring - Proposals should manage to attract talent, funding, investment and inspire citizens' involvement and engagement. 
  • Integrated - The proposal should target the entire innovation ecosystem and has to clearly highlight its links with the Europe 2020 goals. 
  • Interactive - The implemented action and the proposed scale-up should help facilitating the interactions between the different actors in the innovation ecosystem. 

The experts will examine and select the iCapital which will be announced in spring 2014.

11 September 2013

European funding for judicial training

Deadline for this call for proposals: 02/10/2013 

This call for proposals for action grants aims to select projects dealing with judicial training.

All proposals should aim to generate an added value at EU level as opposed to national or regional level

European judicial training targets primarily judges and prosecutors, because a welltrained and competent judiciary is a key prerequisite for the application of EU law, especially when they cannot always decide in what types of cases to be involved. European judicial training may also target, as a second step, training of judicial court staff, lawyers, bailiffs, mediators and notaries from the EU Member States and/or acceding or candidate countries.

 European judicial training activities can include the assessment of training needs, the development of training content, the organisation of training events, including quality evaluation, impact evaluation and dissemination of results; as well as dissemination of innovative results and adaptation of innovative practice for use in new settings; the organisation of train the trainers activities, the organisation of multilateral exchange programme for judges and prosecutors; support to judicial networks that are associated with or involved in coordinating assessment of training needs in EU law.

The training activities can take place in the context of continuous or initial training (induction-period) of the participants. All activities must involve participants (end-users, which should be members of the target group described above) from several Member States.

The total indicative budget available is EUR 8 200 000. Grants: up to 80% of the eligible costs

For further information, please contact us

09 September 2013

Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland

SCOPES 2013-2016 

DEADLINE: 20 September 2013

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are launching a new phase of the programme “SCOPES - Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland”.
The programme aims at supporting individual researchers, research teams and research institutions from the target countries in their endeavour to overcome the difficulties of the transition period. From a Swiss perspective, the programme offers the possibility to fund scientific collaborations and promote synergies with the target countries.

Who can apply? Researchers working at research institutions in Switzerland and in countries of Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The main applicant must be employed at a Swiss research institution.
In spring 2014, there will be a call for Institutional Partnerships (IPs).

CONTACT US for further information

06 September 2013

Call for proposals for Joint Research Projects and associated Researcher Excellence Grants

Deadline: 1 October 2013

The European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) is a metrology-focused European programme of coordinated R&D that facilitates closer integration of national research programmes. The EMRP is jointly supported by the European Commission and the participating countries within the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET e.V.). The EMRP will ensure collaboration between National Measurement Institutes, reducing duplication and increasing impact. The overall goal of the EMRP is to accelerate innovation and competitiveness in Europe whilst continuing to provide essential support to underpin the quality of our lives. 

The aim of this call is to advance measurement science and technology in the following areas:
  • Metrology for Energy 
  • Metrology for Environment
Call Overview 
The core activity of the EMRP consists of funding multi-partner trans-national Joint Research Projects (JRPs) addressing research, technological development, training and dissemination activities. Additionally, the EMRP also funds several Researcher Grant schemes which complement the JRPs in order to increase and diversify capacities in metrology. The JRPs and the EMRP Researcher Grants are independently evaluated and awarded following calls for proposals. The EMRP consists of five (5) Call cycles (2009-2013) – one Call per year. Each Call  includes several Researcher Grant schemes.

For further information, please contact us

04 September 2013

European funding for accessible tourism

Design, Implementation, Promotion and Marketing of  Accessible Tourism Itineraries
Deadline: 22 October 2013 

  • To foster adaptation of tourism products and services to the needs of people with special access needs 
  • To promote equal opportunity and social inclusion of people with special access needs 
  • To improve skills and training with relation to accessibility in the tourism supply chain 
  • To help mainstreaming accessibility in all segments of the tourism supply chain, while at the same time creating a seamless chain of accessibility in tourism 
  • To promote, market and disseminate best practices in accessible tourism 
  • To provide adequate support and guidance to SMEs
  • To enhance the quality and diversify the offer of accessible tourism experiences in Europe
Expected results:
  • New partnerships and better cooperation amongst local authorities/relevant tourism authorities and agencies, tourism operators, in particular SMEs, training providers and disability stakeholders 
  • A stronger focus on accessibility in local tourism development agendas and strategies 
  • Creation of a "critical mass" of accessible destinations, attractions, sites and tourism-related services, as mainstream products providing quality and value-for-money 
  • Better trained staff, better skills, higher satisfaction levels form travellers and a more positive image of the destinations concerned, thus boosting the overall image of Europe as a tourism destination 
  • Attracting more tourists, and maintaining viable tourism flows in the low-season. 
  • Positive returns for businesses, especially SMEs and micro-SMEs 

Maximum EU Contribution per project : € 125.000

For further information, contact us

02 September 2013

New funding programme LIFE 2014\2020

New LIFE programme 2014/2020 will replace LIFE+ 2007/2013

It will be divided into two sub-programmes: 

 The sub-programme for Environment will support efforts in the following areas: 
- "Environment and Resource Efficiency" will focus on more innovative solutions for better implementation of environment policy and integrating environmental objectives in other sectors; 
- "Biodiversity" will develop best practices to halt biodiversity loss and restore ecosystem services, while keeping its primary focus on supporting Natura 2000 sites, especially via integrated projects consistent with Member States Prioritised Action Frameworks (as described in the Commission's new paper on Financing Natura 2000); 
- "Environmental Governance and Information" will promote knowledge sharing, dissemination of best practices, and better compliance, in addition to awareness raising campaigns 

 The sub-programme for Climate Action covers the following areas: 
- "Climate Change Mitigation" will focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions; 
- "Climate Change Adaptation" will focus on increasing resilience to climate change; 
-"Climate Governance and Information" will focus on increasing awareness, communication, cooperation and dissemination on climate mitigation and adaptation actions. 

Grants to finance projects will remain the Programme's main type of intervention. Operating grants for NGOs and other bodies will still be possible, and there will also be scope for contributions to innovative financial instruments.