03 June 2013

EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: simplified procedures and harmonized rules

We are living strategic days for the European budget 2014-1010. The Cohesion Policy went through some substantial changes in line with the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The mayor hallmarks of the proposals are: concentrating funding on a smaller number of priorities better linked to the Europe 2020 Strategy, maximizing synergies, focusing on results, monitoring progress towards agreed objectives, increasing the use of conditionalities and simplifying the delivery.
The package also harmonises the rules related to different funds, including rural development and maritime and fisheries, to increase the coherence of EU action. In particular, Territorial Cooperation has become more and more important and its role within the Cohesion Policy has been reinforced.
To ensure the money is spent wisely in the future Cohesion Policy will focus on objectives and results with greater emphasis on evaluation and incentives for effective projects. Communicating the results of EU Cohesion Policy is essential so that excellent projects can be recognized and Europeans can see exactly how their money is being spent.
How will the funds be allocated? 3 categories of regions:
  • Less developed regions
  • Transition regions
  • More developed regions

The European Commission has produced two films about 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy:

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