28 February 2012

European funds for creative districts

European funds for creative districts
Deadline: 4th May 2012

The “European Creative Districts” will support traditional industrial regions in their transition from a traditional economy with strong “heritage” value and cultural identity to a sustainable and innovative economy. This notably includes the promotion of all forms of creativity and the better use of service innovation and creative industries to stimulate structural change for cultural, craft and manufacturing-based industry.

27 February 2012

E-inclusion awards 2012

Established by the European Commission, the e-Inclusion Awards is on a mission to discover and celebrate the most innovative ways of plugging the digital gap and helping people to enjoy the benefits of the internet.
Aimed at inspiring individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, NGOs and governments the Awards reward those championing the way forward and exploiting the potential of technology in dealing with today’s challenges. With almost a quarter of Europeans remaining offline, growth of the digital economy will be stunted as will access to the benefits achieved from access to online facilities. Europe’s Digital Agenda includes a vision of 'Every European Digital' in which all people truly benefit from technology innovations, improving their well-being throughout their lifetime and contributing to economic recovery.

21 February 2012

Renewables and energy Efficiency

European funds: Innovation for renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions in mediterranean regions and cities
Deadline: 12th April 2012
Priority Axis 1: Strengthening innovation capacities
The focus will be on the strengthening of SMEs innovation capacities, knowledge management and networking with the support of public and intermediary bodies. Projects will have to make proposals to strengthen the position of SMEs in the energy sector in Mediterranean regions and to increase their potential at transnational level.
Priority Axis 2: Protection of the environment and promotion of a sustainable territorial development

15 February 2012

European funds for ICT research project

EU Financial Contribution within the VII Framework Programme - ICT
Deadline: 17th April 2012

Call topics:
1) Cognitive systems and robotics
2) Technologies for Digital Content and Languages - Digital Preservation
3) ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance -Virtual Physiological Human
4) ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources -ICT for access to cultural resources
5) Future and Emerging Technologies
• Quantum ICT (QICT) including ERA-NET-Plus
• Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems
• Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems
• Coordinating Communities, Identifying new research topics for FET Proactive initiatives and Fostering Networking of National and Regional Research Programmes

14 February 2012

8th International Conference on f-Elements

8th International Conference on f-Elements
Udine, ITALY August 26-31, 2012

On line abstract submission for ICFE-8 is open.
Deadline: March 31st.

Please visit http://icfe8.uniud.it/

  • Applications in biology and medicine
  • Catalysis, energy and fuel cells
  • Coordination, organic and organometallic chemistry
  • Magnetism Solid state chemistry and physics, intermetallic compounds, materials
  • Spectroscopy and theory
  • Optical materials (lasers, telecommunication, lightings, sensors, photovoltaics……)
  • Solution chemistry, extraction, separations
  • Resources, recovery and recycling

08 February 2012


European programme: Switch Asia -  sustainable consumption and production
Deadline of the call: 23rd March 2012 for project outlines
All industrial sectors (except primary production) are eligible to be targeted in the projects, under the following conditions:
• They are polluting and have sufficient potential for improvement
• They form a substantial share of the economy and have potential for market demand
• They have sufficient potential for further multiplication in the country and/or region

The SWITCH-Asia Programme is expected to achieve the following results:
1) Reduce the environmental and social cost of production and consumption
2) Move SCP practices from demonstration to replication
3) Norm shift in policy-making towards sustainability

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07 February 2012

Eureka- Acqueau programme

European funds within the Eureka- Acqueau programme
Deadline: 27th February 2012 for project outlines
1.Water and ICT Innovations for Sensing and Monitoring Applications in the Water Cycle
The call is intended to initiate project proposals that will develop new sensing and monitoring applications in the water cycle

2.Sustainable Processes for Disinfection and Oxidation
The call is intended to initiate project proposals that will develop new disinfection or other oxidation processes for the removal of microbiological activity or other harmful compounds.

3.Open Call within the context of the ACQUEAU Blue Book
The ACQUEAU blue book identifies nine components within the context of the overall water cycle, and for each of these components a vision is described along with challenges, benefits and expected technological breakthrough

06 February 2012

European fundings for ICT

European fundings:ICT PSP programme
Deadline: 15th May 2012

The programme addresses obstacles hindering further and better use of ICT based products and services and barriers for the development of high growth businesses, notably SMEs, in this field. In addition to illustrating and validating the high value of digital technologies for the economy and society, it will foster the development of EU-wide markets for innovations enabling every company in Europe to benefit from the largest internal market in the world.
The 2012 call focuses on 5 themes. These themes and actions will be supported by a limited number of high impact pilot or best practice projects, as well as thematic networks

03 February 2012

European fundings: Safer internet programme

Deadline: 29th March 2012

Area of Intervention:
Safer Internet is based on four actions:
(a) ensuring public awareness;
(b) fighting against illegal content and tackling harmful conduct online;
(c) promoting a safer online environment;
(d) establishing a knowledge base.

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