28 January 2011


The overall objectives of this Call for Proposals are to improve science and technology research to contribute to African sustainable development.
Applicants must:
  • be legal persons  (e.g National or regional science and technology organizations, research institutions, universities, government ministries or public institutions dealing with scientific research  including  regional science and technology institutions)
  • be nationals of African Union, ACP, EU Member States, Least Developed Country as defined by the United Nations (LDCs), European Economic Area (EEA) Member States,  one of the official EU candidate countries 
  •  have at least a three-year record in the formulation and/or implementation of research activities in Africa and
 Eligible activities:
a) Post-harvest and Agriculture
  • Food security and productivity: focusing on processing, improvement of quality of agricultural produce, agro-forestry, cereals, root/tuber crops, food legumes
  • Crop-livestock integration: transfer of new innovative technologies on small and large ruminants (sheep, goat and cattle); poultry.
  •  Agricultural policy and commercialization, marketing of agricultural produce : Research projects must demonstrate capacity for high economic returns and significant impact on stakeholders groups.
    b) Renewable and sustainable energy
    •  Sustainable energy at a local and regional level
    •  Renewable energy use and its impact on the environment
    •  Innovative approach to Renewable and sustainable energy: energy systems technologies (such as solar photovoltaic systems, solar hot water systems, wind energy systems, geothermal systems or biomass energy systems) and advanced energy efficiency, conservation and facilities to energy control. 
    • Measures for making sustainable energy more widespread: new sustainable energy products, energy efficiency products technologies and services at local and regional levels that are not already widely available on a commercial basis.
      c) Water and sanitation
      • Water for livelihood: safe drinking water, Sustainable sanitation, Pollution abatement, and water treatment.
      • Water for agriculture: development of the on-site rain-fed  agriculture and rainfall harvesting methods, reducing evaporation from soil and water surfaces through appropriate land management, use of low-quality irrigation water and irrigation technologies
      • Social and economic dimensions of water resources management

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