22 December 2010


SMEs or organisations based in the following countries/regions:
  • Austria
  • Belgium represented by the regions of: Flanders, Wallonia
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Israel 
  • Italy
  • The Netherlands
  • Spain represented by the regions of: Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid, Navarra.

    Funding is intended for innovative biotech-projects in the fields of:
    ·         Industrial research & development
    ·         Applied research

    The strategic objective of the call is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s biotechnology industry by supporting research intensive SMEs and their strategic partnerships.
    Funding possibilities will be offered to excellent and innovative industrial research and development and applied research projects.

    All  projects should be designed according to the following principles:
    • All project partners contribute to, and benefit from, an equitable and balanced cooperation.
    • Results of collaborative projects are shared through a controlled process that protects and allocates any intellectual property rights used and established during cooperation.
    • Projects must be in the field of biotech irrespective of the core business of the applicants
    • Projects must be technologically innovative and create economical value. They may involve any kind of work up to and including the pre-competitive phase (i.e.up to the first prototype)

    21 December 2010


    DEADLINE: APRIL 11Th, 2011.
    One of the objectives of the programme is to promote, by providing financial support, the development of production projects intended for European and international markets presented by independent European production companies.

    METHOD OF FINANCING: reimbursement of 50% of eligible costs
    The minimum grant is 10,000€. The maximum grant is 150,000€.
    This notice is aimed at European companies whose activities contribute to the attainment of the above objectives, and in particular to independent production companies.
    Applicants must be established in one of the following countries:
    — the 27 countries of the European Union,
    — the EEA countries, Switzerland and Croatia.

    The activities for the following interactive works are eligible:
    The concept development (up to a first playable application) of digital interactive content complementing an audiovisual project (drama, creative documentary or animation) specifically developed for at least one of the following platforms:
    •  Internet,
    • PC,
    • console,
    • handheld device,
    • interactive television.
    This digital content must present:
    • substantial interactivity with a narrative component,
    • originality, creativity and innovation against existing works,
    • European commercial potential.

    Only the following types of audiovisual project intended for commercial exploitation can be complemented by the submitted interactive work:
    • a drama of at least 50 minutes (the total length of the series in the case of a series),
    • a creative documentary of at least 25 minutes (length per episode in the case of a series),
    • an animation of at least 24 minutes (the total length of the series in the case of a series)

    17 December 2010

    EC launched an Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe project

    The European Commissioni has launched the project “Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe” (OpenAIRE), the purpose of which is to encourage and support free online access to knowledge generated by researchers within grants from the Seventh Framework Programme and the European Research Council.
    OpenAIREwill provide support structures for researchers and an electronic infrastructure to handle peer-reviewed articles. It also aims to establish cooperation with communities to deposit access and manage research datasets.

    15 December 2010


    DEADLINE: First stage (short proposals) 28 April 2011

    a) Bootstrapping a data economy:
    ·         To maximise reuse of digital content resources by making them easy to find, evaluate and integrate.
    ·         To foster reuse of digital content resources by providing guarantees and fair incentives for their creators and maintainers.
    ·          To develop robust and highly usable new services demanded by citizens and businesses (especially SMEs) and create value by correlating independently produced datasets or extracting valuable information not foreseen by the original data producer.

    b) Community building and best practices: Produce rigorous studies on the actual or projected economic impact of digital resources pooling as a function of well defined parameters such as the size of resources, user populations, socio-economic sectors, and software stacks adopted.

    c) Sharing language resources:

    ·         To make more effective the acquisition of language resources exploiting automated and/or collaborative means
    ·         To contribute to an open exchange place based upon the concerted pooling of resources having a significant potential for reuse.
    ·         To show the concrete impact of using, combining or repurposing the above resources in a given use context, in terms of improved functionality, maintainability, scalability and portability of new systems and technologies.

    d) Building consensus and common services: Actions under this heading must help establish mechanisms, forums and support services to (i) coordinate efforts, reach consensus, mobilise the community at large, and (ii) set up and manage the planned electronic trading facilities.

    If interested, please write to  infonetwork@igcsas.it

    09 December 2010


    Dear all,
     in order to give you more information you are interested in I'll be pleased to receive comments from you about your research interests. Knowing  in which country you work will be a plus.
    Remember that if you want to apply for a grant I can look for the other partners (SMEs, industrial partners, Universities etc..) needed. 
    Any suggestion on how to improve this blog is more than welcome.
    Thank you everyone.