14 October 2010

Innovation Emergency

The European Commission is calling for a ‘collaboration revolution’ to get the public and private sectors working together, as the main plank of its new plan to promote innovation and so create jobs, solve the grand challenges and build an innovation culture to rival that in the US.

The focus for doing this will be European Innovation Partnerships, (EIP) each focused on a specific grand challenge, with concrete goals, driven by a board that will be chaired by one or more commissioners, with ministers from national governments, MEPs, and people from industry, academe and the public sector. Along with acting on the supply side to develop and introduce new products and services, EIPs will be able to act to bring down regulatory barriers, and so smooth the path to market and adoption.
The first partnership, due to get off the ground in 2011, has the objective of extending the health span of EU citizens by an average of two years by 2020. “This will reduce the strains on health budgets and open up new markets,” said Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for research, innovation and science, unveiling the project as a centerpiece of the Innovation Union, one of seven initiatives the Commission is launching as part of its Europe 2020 economic strategy.

If you want to know more about these new calls write to us!

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