21 January 2013

JPI Cultural Heritage Programme

JPI Cultural Heritage Programme 
Deadline: 5 April 2013

Research topics: 
1. Methods, tools (including non-invasive instruments) and modelling for understanding damage and decay mechanisms (including the effects of weathering and climate change) on tangible heritage (including buildings, sites and landscapes); 
2. Materials, technologies and procedures for the conservation of tangible cultural heritage; 
3. Use and re-use of buildings and landscapes, including the relationship between changes of use and public policy, including costs and added value (for example as a result of planning regulations and urban development); 
4. Increasing understanding of cultural values, valuation, interpretation, ethics and identity around all forms of cultural heritage (tangible, intangible and digital heritage). 

 The project must have a maximum duration of 36 months


17 January 2013

FP7: Era-chairs pilot

FP7 Capacities Programme: Research Potential
Deadline: 30 May 2013

The ¨ERA Chairs¨ Concept:
The objective is to support public universities and other eligible research organisations, with a demonstrated potential for research excellence, in developing their potential so that they can achieve excellence on a sustainable basis.
 Research organisations interested in appointing an ERA Chair will have to commit to introduce measures and activities to facilitate the structural change and put in place the conditions needed to develop excellent research and to fully benefit from the ERA Chair.

Activities should be focused on achieving concrete and clearly identified objectives.

The size of the ERA Chair research team to be recruited under the grant is expected to be at least of 300 months of full-time work equivalent (person/month). The ERA Chair holder will have flexibility in timely using the personnel according with the project needs.

Detailed newsletter

14 January 2013


EU ICI-ECP programme for joint mobility projects and joint degree projects Deadline: 15 May 2013

The Industrialised Countries Instrument (ICI) promotes co-operation between the European Union and seventeen industrialised and other high-income countries and territories in North America, the Asia-Pacific region and the Gulf region.
One of the supported specific actions promotes "people-to-people links" with the aim to enhance mutual understanding between cultures and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge. 

This 2012 ICI-ECP Call for Proposals supports co-operation with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea by means of Joint Degree projects (JDP) and Joint Mobility projects  (JMP). 

Such projects focus on structured exchanges of students and faculty members; and on the joint development of joint or shared curricula and joint study programmes, as well as on the award of joint or double degrees in the case of Joint Degree projects. 

All projects must address: 

  • development of innovative international curricula; 
  • student services, 
  • language and cultural preparation; 
  • organisational frameworks for student mobility and faculty members' mobility; 
  • evaluation; 
  • sustainability and dissemination.

11 January 2013

ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)

ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)
Deadline: 14 May 2013

european funding
The ICT PSP supports the realisation of European policies and in particular the Digital agenda for Europe and is aligned with its priorities. It aims at stimulating smart sustainable and inclusive growth by accelerating the wider uptake and best use of innovative digital technologies and content by citizens, governments and businesses.

07 January 2013

Intelligent energy europe programme

European funds for energy: IEE programme
Deadline: 8th May 2013

european funds for energy

The objective of the Intelligent Energy - Europe Programme is to contribute to secure sustainable and competitively priced energy for Europe, by providing for action:
  • to foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources;
  • to promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification;
  • to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport.
Budget for 2013 is EUR 65Million.

Intelligent Energy Europe covers action in the following fields;
 Energy efficiency and rational use of energy resources (SAVE), including: 
  • Improvement of energy efficiency and the rational use of energy, in particular in the building and industry sectors; 
  • Supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures.
New and renewable energy resources (ALTENER), including:
  • Promoting new and renewable energy sources for centralised and decentralised production of electricity, heat and cooling, and thus supporting the diversification of energy sources;
  • Integrating new and renewable energy sources into the local environment and the energy systems; Supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures.
Energy in transport (STEER) to promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport, including: 

  •  Supporting initiatives relating to all energy aspects of transport and the diversification of fuels; 
  •  Promoting renewable fuels and energy efficiency in transport; 
  •  Supporting the preparation and application of legislative measures. 

 Integrated initiatives combine several of the above specific fields or relating to certain EU priorities.

Detailed newsletter

02 January 2013

Health programme

European grants in the field of health
Deadline: 22 March 2013

Eligible Actions:

1.Improve citizens’ health security’
1.1. Develop strategies and mechanisms for preventing, exchanging information on and responding to health threats from communicable and non-communicable diseases

  • Improve access to early diagnosis of HIV\AIDS and timely treatment and care of most vulnerable groups in priority regions 

2. Promote health 
2.1. Promote initiatives to increase healthy life years and promote healthy ageing Addressing chronic diseases and promoting healthy ageing across the life cycle Supporting the priorities of the European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Pilot network of cooperation under Directive 2011\24\EU

2.2. Prevention of major and rare diseases 

  • Support to rare disease registries and networks in view of their sustainability
  • Support to an information network on lung mesothelioma