29 November 2012

KEP Austria: Call for proposal

European funds: Know-how Exchange Programme
Deadline: 28th December 2012

Objectives of the funding programme:
  • Strengthen economic and social advancement of the CEI non-EU Member States; 
  • Help the recent EU members in their transformation from recipients to donors (emerging donors) of development assistance; 
  • Promote principles of foreign development aid and support international collaboration among institutions in CEI member countries.
Within the scope of KEP AUSTRIA Call for Proposal 2013 the following priority areas apply:
 I. European Integration, Capacity Building and Market Economy 
II. Infrastructure Planning and Development 
III. Agriculture, Energy, and Environment 

Project implementation should start after 1 March 2013. Project duration should not exceed 12 months

Detailed newsletter and official documents

14 November 2012

European funds for culture

EuropeAid programme
EU grant funds for Supporting culture as a vector of democracy and economic growth 
Deadline: 18 December 2012 for concept notes

The call for proposals is divided into two lots, corresponding to two different specific objectives, as follows: 

Lot 1: Encourage cultural expressions which promote diversity, intercultural dialogue and human and cultural rights, in the context of reconciliation, conflict resolution and democratisation 

Target groups include cultural actors (such as policy-makers, artists and cultural workers), media, education professionals and civil society.  

Lot 2: Strengthen capacities of cultural actors for the development of a dynamic cultural sector contributing to economic growth and sustainable development 

Target groups include different categories of cultural actors, such as policy-makers, artists and cultural workers in general (including technicians, managers and professionals involved in production, promotion and distribution), entrepreneurs, etc., as well as other stakeholders involved in the cultural sector, including relevant public bodies, civil society organisations or private entities.

08 November 2012

Progress programme

European funding for Social Policy experimentation
Deadline: 15th February 2013

• Promotion of youth activation measures to tackle and prevent youth unemployment and exclusion 
• Provision of quality childcare services that focuses on the provision and quality of key services for improving child well-being 
• Promotion of active and healthy ageing, 

The planned duration of the project may not be less than 24 months nor exceed 36 months.

Eligibility of the applicant:
The applicant should meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. The applicant must be established in EU27, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia
2. The applicant must be a public authority, at central, regional or local level, or a body governed by public law;

Detailed newsletter and official documents