We are looking for partners for an Intelligent energy Europe (IEE) and\or Eurostars research project
The project wants to promote energy efficiency increasing the use of wind energy through the development of a new wind turbine.
The idea has already been patented in Canada by our partner but not in Europe.
A small prototype has been built but there is a further need to research and develop the turbine.
This 5 kw system can be used in rural, urban, residential or commercial environment and installed on roofs.
It can be used in all weather conditions, from a wind speed of 2 m\sec but also with wind speed of 15- 20 m /sec with no cut system.
Maintenance costs are reduced in comparison to systems with horizontal axes and estimated to be 2-3% of the investment cost. The life cycle is expected to be longer.
We are looking for construction companies, architecture or design companies.
Please email us at infonetwork (AT) igcsas.it for further information.