27 December 2012

Call for proposals – Daphne III – Specific 116000 hotline

Deadline: 6 February 2013

This call for proposals for action grants aims to co-fund projects to set up or run 116 000 hotlines for missing children that are presented by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or other entities, which are mandated by the national authorities in setting up and/or running such 116 000 hotlines 

The duration of the project should not exceed 24 months. 

The 116 000 hotline has been designed to report missing children and provide social support services for children and families when a child goes missing. EU Member States, national regulators, telecom operators and organisations wishing to provide this service must each make a strong commitment to ensure the 116 000 number is operational. 

21 December 2012

One Health Programme in Asia

European grant fund: EuropeAid Programme
Deadline: 22nd February 2013 for concept notes

The program is designed to improve health and well-being of fragile populations in Asia by tackling health risks and challenges at the interface between animals, humans and their various environments. The programme aims to strengthen capabilities in notably the Least Developed Countries in Asia to address and prepare for risks related to infectious diseases via the promotion of innovative and regional cross-sectoral and multi-actor collaborations and networking through the implementation of the One Health approach

Eligible actions are those aiming at: 

  • Linking wildlife, ecosystems, environments (including socio-economic) and health; 
  • Assessing (socio-economically) the burden of neglected zoonoses and the added value of the OH approach; 
  • OH advocacy in particular vis-à-vis the public health sector; 
  • Asian OH network and governance; 
  • Communication in time of sanitary crisis and “peace”; 

19 December 2012

European fund for the integration of third country nationals

Deadline: 26th February 2013

Established in the framework of the European Union Programme “Solidarity and management of migration flows” for the period 2007-2013, the European Fund for the integration of third country nationals aims at supporting the member states in their efforts for the smooth integration of third country nationals into the European nationals

Priority 1: Local action to enhance migrants' economic, social, cultural and political participation 

Priority 2: Cooperation with source countries in fostering integration
Priority 3: Governance and effectiveness of integration measures

Beneficiaries: any private or public legal entities established in any EU member state (except Denmark)

Detailed newsletter

17 December 2012

European price for innovation in public administrations

VII Framework programme for resarch and innnovation- Capacities
Deadline: 15th February 2013

The Commission plans to award prizes to successful, already running, and innovative public initiatives. The initiatives, managed by the national, regional or local public administrations, will have made significant improvements in citizens' lives.
With this Prize the Commission wants to reward excellence and innovation in strategies, services, networks, processes and infrastructure. 

The Commission wants to recognise the outstanding achievements of public administrations in the following three categories:

1. Initiatives for citizens (e.g. special assistance for the elderly; eco-friendly public transport; participatory budgeting)
2. Initiatives for firms (e.g. providing networking platforms for start-ups; supporting rural entrepreneurs with e-trade tools)
3. Initiatives for education and research (e.g. new approaches to vocational training; fostering a better learning environment for primary schools; facilitating entrepreneurship of researchers)


14 December 2012

Progress funding programme

PARES (PARtnerships between Employment Services) - EU Flagship Agenda 'New Skills and Jobs' - Europe 2020 
Deadline: 1st March 2013

PARES seeks to bring together all employment services with a view to improving their co-operation and further defining the fields in which they can deliver complementary services. 

Main objective: to encourage new forms of collaboration between employment services at national and EU level for the delivery of complementary services with a high standard of quality and efficiency. 
The call shall also help to promote a culture of partnership working by breaking traditional barriers and pre-conceptions regarding the different roles of employment services. 

 In line with this general objective, the present call for proposals will support projects which involve at least two different types of partners from public, private or third sector employment services, also being eligible education and training providers, NGOs, welfare institutions, etc. to work together by relying on the specific strengths and expertise of each employment service. 

 Projects are strongly encouraged to target the 'green economy'. 

 Duration of each project is maximum 18 months.


10 December 2012

A first overview of the Call 2012 CIP Eco-Innovation

By the deadline of the Call 2012, 284 proposals had been submitted, a figure comparable to the 279 proposals submitted to the Call 2011. 

 In total 916 participants from 31 countries took part in the proposals. Green Business and Recycling are the two sectors that attracted the most proposals. 
The total funding request is roughly EUR 196 million. Almost 67% of the participants taking part in proposals are SMEs as in previous calls and less than 7% of the projects do not involve any SME. 

Approximately half of the proposals (53%) involve participants from different countries and 76% have more than one partner. 

A new Eco-innovation call will be published in Spring 2013.

 Full report

07 December 2012

Funding for the Transeuropean transport network (TEN-T)

EU funding programme: TEN-T
Deadline: 28th February 2013

Grants will be awarded in the following fields: 

• Projects concerning rail, road and inland waterways (PPs; indicative amount available is €731 million); 
• European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS; indicative amount available is €100 million); 
• River Information Services (RIS; indicative amount available is €10 million); 
• Air Traffic Management (ATM; indicative amount available is €50 million); 
• Motorways of the Sea (MoS; indicative amount available is €80 million); 
• Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS; indicative amount available is €50 million).

Detailed newsletter

04 December 2012

CARS 2020: for a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry

With 12 million sector-related jobs the automotive industry is vital for Europe's prosperity and job creation. The EU needs to maintain a world-class car industry, producing the most energy efficient and safe vehicles globally and providing high-skilled jobs to millions. To make this happen, the European Commission tabled today the CARS 2020 Action Plan aimed at reinforcing this industry's competitiveness and sustainability heading towards 2020. 

 he Commission proposes a massive innovative push by streamlining research and innovation under the European Green Vehicle Initiative. Co-operation with the European Investment Bank will be reinforced to finance an innovation boost and facilitate SME access to credit. An EU standard recharging interface will provide the regulatory certainty needed to facilitate a breakthrough for large scale electric car production. Innovation in the automotive industry will also be stimulated through a comprehensive package of measures to reduce CO2, pollutant and noise emissions, to drive improvements in road safety and develop technologically-advanced intelligent transport systems (ITS). 

In parallel, the Commission also proposes to address the immediate problems in the car sector. In response to a fall in demand on European car markets and plant closure announcements, the Commission will in November bring together car producers and trade union representatives and Ministers of Industry ahead the next Competitiveness Council to review measures for dealing with the present crisis in a co-ordinated way. 

The car industry is important throughout Europe and a European response is needed. This response should focus on addressing overcapacity, social and technological investment, as well as state aid and demand-side measures, followed by a discussion at the political level. The Action Plan comprises concrete proposals for policy initiatives in order to: 

  • Promote investment in advanced technologies and innovation for clean vehicles, 
  • Improve market conditions 
  • Support industry in accessing the global market 
  • Promote investment in skills and training to accompany structural change and anticipate employment and skills needs

(Source: European Commission)