To disseminate information and raise awareness on environmental issues, including forest fire prevention; and to provide support for accompanying measures, such as information, communication actions and campaigns, conferences and training, including training on forest fire prevention.
• Halting the loss of biodiversity
• Launching national campaigns to promote Natura 2000
• Launching national campaigns to promote Natura 2000
• Awareness raising campaigns on biodiversity aimed at explaining to the general public what biodiversity is and why it is important
• Promoting the integration of biodiversity concerns in territorial planning procedures
• The promotion of connectivity between natural areas (green infrastructure by explaining it better to citizens
• The implementation of art. 6 of the Habitats Directive
• Integrating the concept of ecosystem services in private company management or in public spending in particular in connection to Green Public Procurement
• Skills development for Natura 2000 site managers
• Sustainable consumption and production
• Natural resources and waste, to develop and implement policies designated to ensure sustainable management and use of natural resources and waste
• Natural resources and waste, to develop and implement policies designated to ensure sustainable management and use of natural resources and waste
• Water scarcity/efficiency awareness raising campaign focused on water-stressed Member States
• Raising public awareness of climate change and its impact, particularly in EU12 countries
• Forest and climate change
• Compilation and active transfer to relevant stakeholders that could usefully implement them of the techniques used and results and lessons learnt from a significant number of previous LIJE project for a specific theme/habitat/species (e.g. rivers, bogs, bats)
• Project related to the protection of marine environment on issues targeted by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
• Increasing the awareness and knowledge about the importance of soil and soil biodiversity and its main ecological functions, and sustainable land use
• Awareness raising and education on citizens’ exposure to air pollutants though the comparative assessment of air pollution levels in various larger cities of the EU
• Environmental noise
• The broad and targeted dissemination on best practices
DEADLINE: July 18Th, 2011.
Proposals must be presented by entities registered in the Member States of the European Union being public and/or private bodies, actors and institutions
I would like to know how to apply because I can't see any links.
ReplyDeleteThank for your help.